Copyright | Devin Mullins <> |
License | BSD-style (see LICENSE) |
Maintainer | Devin Mullins <> |
Stability | unstable |
Portability | unportable |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Deprecated: This module is a perpetual draft and will therefore be removed from xmonad-contrib in the near future.
This is a draft of a brand new config syntax for xmonad. It aims to be:
- easier to copy/paste snippets from the docs
- easier to get the gist for what's going on, for you imperative programmers
It's brand new, so it's pretty much guaranteed to break or change syntax. But what's the worst that could happen? Xmonad crashes and logs you out? It probably won't do that. Give it a try.
- xmonad :: (Default a, Read (l Window), LayoutClass l Window) => (a -> IO (XConfig l)) -> IO ()
- nothing :: Prime l l
- normalBorderColor :: Settable String (XConfig l)
- focusedBorderColor :: Settable String (XConfig l)
- terminal :: Settable String (XConfig l)
- modMask :: Settable KeyMask (XConfig l)
- borderWidth :: Settable Dimension (XConfig l)
- focusFollowsMouse :: Settable Bool (XConfig l)
- clickJustFocuses :: Settable Bool (XConfig l)
- class SettableClass s x y | s -> x y where
- class UpdateableClass s x y | s -> x y where
- manageHook :: Summable ManageHook ManageHook (XConfig l)
- handleEventHook :: Summable (Event -> X All) (Event -> X All) (XConfig l)
- workspaces :: Summable [String] [String] (XConfig l)
- logHook :: Summable (X ()) (X ()) (XConfig l)
- startupHook :: Summable (X ()) (X ()) (XConfig l)
- clientMask :: Summable EventMask EventMask (XConfig l)
- rootMask :: Summable EventMask EventMask (XConfig l)
- class SummableClass s y | s -> y where
- keys :: Keys (XConfig l)
- mouseBindings :: MouseBindings (XConfig l)
- class RemovableClass r y | r -> y where
- withWorkspaces :: Arr WorkspaceConfig WorkspaceConfig -> Prime l l
- wsNames :: Settable [String] WorkspaceConfig
- wsKeys :: Summable [String] [String] WorkspaceConfig
- wsActions :: Summable [(String, String -> X ())] [(String, String -> X ())] WorkspaceConfig
- wsSetName :: Int -> String -> Arr WorkspaceConfig WorkspaceConfig
- withScreens :: Arr ScreenConfig ScreenConfig -> Prime l l
- sKeys :: Summable [String] [String] ScreenConfig
- sActions :: Summable [(String, ScreenId -> X ())] [(String, ScreenId -> X ())] ScreenConfig
- onScreens :: Eq s => (i -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd) -> s -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd
- addLayout :: (LayoutClass l Window, LayoutClass r Window) => r Window -> Prime l (Choose l r)
- resetLayout :: LayoutClass r Window => r Window -> Prime l r
- modifyLayout :: LayoutClass r Window => (l Window -> r Window) -> Prime l r
- startWith :: XConfig l' -> Prime l l'
- apply :: (XConfig l -> XConfig l') -> Prime l l'
- applyIO :: (XConfig l -> IO (XConfig l')) -> Prime l l'
- class Typeable (a :: k)
- getModifierMapping :: Display -> IO [(Modifier, [KeyCode])]
- getCommand :: Display -> Window -> IO [String]
- getErrorEvent :: XErrorEventPtr -> IO ErrorEvent
- setErrorHandler :: XErrorHandler -> IO ()
- setWMHints :: Display -> Window -> WMHints -> IO Status
- getWMHints :: Display -> Window -> IO WMHints
- allHintsBitmask :: CLong
- urgencyHintBit :: Int
- windowGroupHintBit :: Int
- iconMaskHintBit :: Int
- iconPositionHintBit :: Int
- iconWindowHintBit :: Int
- iconPixmapHintBit :: Int
- stateHintBit :: Int
- inputHintBit :: Int
- iconicState :: Int
- normalState :: Int
- withdrawnState :: Int
- setClassHint :: Display -> Window -> ClassHint -> IO ()
- getClassHint :: Display -> Window -> IO ClassHint
- setWMNormalHints :: Display -> Window -> SizeHints -> IO ()
- getWMNormalHints :: Display -> Window -> IO SizeHints
- pWinGravityBit :: Int
- pBaseSizeBit :: Int
- pAspectBit :: Int
- pResizeIncBit :: Int
- pMaxSizeBit :: Int
- pMinSizeBit :: Int
- unmapWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- deleteProperty :: Display -> Window -> Atom -> IO ()
- propModeAppend :: CInt
- propModePrepend :: CInt
- propModeReplace :: CInt
- changeProperty32 :: Display -> Window -> Atom -> Atom -> CInt -> [CLong] -> IO ()
- changeProperty16 :: Display -> Window -> Atom -> Atom -> CInt -> [CShort] -> IO ()
- changeProperty8 :: Display -> Window -> Atom -> Atom -> CInt -> [CChar] -> IO ()
- getWindowProperty32 :: Display -> Atom -> Window -> IO (Maybe [CLong])
- getWindowProperty16 :: Display -> Atom -> Window -> IO (Maybe [CShort])
- getWindowProperty8 :: Display -> Atom -> Window -> IO (Maybe [CChar])
- rawGetWindowProperty :: Storable a => Int -> Display -> Atom -> Window -> IO (Maybe [a])
- anyPropertyType :: Atom
- refreshKeyboardMapping :: Event -> IO ()
- setKeyEvent :: XEventPtr -> Window -> Window -> Window -> KeyMask -> KeyCode -> Bool -> IO ()
- setConfigureEvent :: XEventPtr -> Window -> Window -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Window -> Bool -> IO ()
- setClientMessageEvent' :: XEventPtr -> Window -> Atom -> CInt -> [CInt] -> IO ()
- setClientMessageEvent :: XEventPtr -> Window -> Atom -> CInt -> Atom -> Time -> IO ()
- setSelectionNotify :: XEventPtr -> Window -> Atom -> Atom -> Atom -> Time -> IO ()
- setEventType :: XEventPtr -> EventType -> IO ()
- getWMProtocols :: Display -> Window -> IO [Atom]
- getTransientForHint :: Display -> Window -> IO (Maybe Window)
- fetchName :: Display -> Window -> IO (Maybe String)
- wcTextEscapement :: FontSet -> String -> Int32
- wcDrawImageString :: Display -> Drawable -> FontSet -> GC -> Position -> Position -> String -> IO ()
- wcDrawString :: Display -> Drawable -> FontSet -> GC -> Position -> Position -> String -> IO ()
- wcTextExtents :: FontSet -> String -> (Rectangle, Rectangle)
- createFontSet :: Display -> String -> IO ([String], String, FontSet)
- wcTextPropertyToTextList :: Display -> TextProperty -> IO [String]
- getTextProperty :: Display -> Window -> Atom -> IO TextProperty
- withServer :: Display -> IO () -> IO ()
- getWindowAttributes :: Display -> Window -> IO WindowAttributes
- waIsViewable :: CInt
- waIsUnviewable :: CInt
- waIsUnmapped :: CInt
- queryTree :: Display -> Window -> IO (Window, Window, [Window])
- configureWindow :: Display -> Window -> CULong -> WindowChanges -> IO ()
- currentTime :: Time
- anyKey :: KeyCode
- anyButton :: Button
- none :: XID
- getEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO Event
- eventName :: Event -> String
- eventTable :: [(EventType, String)]
- xConfigureWindow :: Display -> Window -> CULong -> Ptr WindowChanges -> IO CInt
- killClient :: Display -> Window -> IO CInt
- xQueryTree :: Display -> Window -> Ptr Window -> Ptr Window -> Ptr (Ptr Window) -> Ptr CInt -> IO Status
- xGetWindowAttributes :: Display -> Window -> Ptr WindowAttributes -> IO Status
- changeWindowAttributes :: Display -> Window -> AttributeMask -> Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> IO ()
- xGetTextProperty :: Display -> Window -> Ptr TextProperty -> Atom -> IO Status
- xwcTextPropertyToTextList :: Display -> Ptr TextProperty -> Ptr (Ptr CWString) -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
- wcFreeStringList :: Ptr CWString -> IO ()
- xCreateFontSet :: Display -> CString -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO (Ptr FontSet)
- freeStringList :: Ptr CString -> IO ()
- freeFontSet :: Display -> FontSet -> IO ()
- xwcTextExtents :: FontSet -> CWString -> CInt -> Ptr Rectangle -> Ptr Rectangle -> IO CInt
- xwcDrawString :: Display -> Drawable -> FontSet -> GC -> Position -> Position -> CWString -> CInt -> IO ()
- xwcDrawImageString :: Display -> Drawable -> FontSet -> GC -> Position -> Position -> CWString -> CInt -> IO ()
- xwcTextEscapement :: FontSet -> CWString -> CInt -> IO Int32
- xFetchName :: Display -> Window -> Ptr CString -> IO Status
- xGetTransientForHint :: Display -> Window -> Ptr Window -> IO Status
- xGetWMProtocols :: Display -> Window -> Ptr (Ptr Atom) -> Ptr CInt -> IO Status
- xSetErrorHandler :: IO ()
- xRefreshKeyboardMapping :: Ptr () -> IO CInt
- xChangeProperty :: Display -> Window -> Atom -> Atom -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> IO Status
- xDeleteProperty :: Display -> Window -> Atom -> IO Status
- xGetWindowProperty :: Display -> Window -> Atom -> CLong -> CLong -> Bool -> Atom -> Ptr Atom -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr (Ptr CUChar) -> IO Status
- xUnmapWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO CInt
- xGetWMNormalHints :: Display -> Window -> Ptr SizeHints -> Ptr CLong -> IO Status
- xAllocSizeHints :: IO (Ptr SizeHints)
- xSetWMNormalHints :: Display -> Window -> Ptr SizeHints -> IO ()
- xGetClassHint :: Display -> Window -> Ptr ClassHint -> IO Status
- xSetClassHint :: Display -> Window -> Ptr ClassHint -> IO ()
- xGetWMHints :: Display -> Window -> IO (Ptr WMHints)
- xAllocWMHints :: IO (Ptr WMHints)
- xSetWMHints :: Display -> Window -> Ptr WMHints -> IO Status
- isCursorKey :: KeySym -> Bool
- isFunctionKey :: KeySym -> Bool
- isKeypadKey :: KeySym -> Bool
- isMiscFunctionKey :: KeySym -> Bool
- isModifierKey :: KeySym -> Bool
- isPFKey :: KeySym -> Bool
- isPrivateKeypadKey :: KeySym -> Bool
- xSetSelectionOwner :: Display -> Atom -> Window -> Time -> IO ()
- xGetSelectionOwner :: Display -> Atom -> IO Window
- xConvertSelection :: Display -> Atom -> Atom -> Atom -> Window -> Time -> IO ()
- mkXErrorHandler :: CXErrorHandler -> IO (FunPtr CXErrorHandler)
- getXErrorHandler :: FunPtr CXErrorHandler -> CXErrorHandler
- _xSetErrorHandler :: FunPtr CXErrorHandler -> IO (FunPtr CXErrorHandler)
- mapRaised :: Display -> Window -> IO CInt
- xGetCommand :: Display -> Window -> Ptr (Ptr CWString) -> Ptr CInt -> IO Status
- xGetModifierMapping :: Display -> IO (Ptr ())
- xFreeModifiermap :: Ptr () -> IO (Ptr CInt)
- data Event
- = AnyEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- | ConfigureRequestEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_parent :: !Window
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_x :: !CInt
- ev_y :: !CInt
- ev_width :: !CInt
- ev_height :: !CInt
- ev_border_width :: !CInt
- ev_above :: !Window
- ev_detail :: !NotifyDetail
- ev_value_mask :: !CULong
- | ConfigureEvent { }
- | MapRequestEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_parent :: !Window
- ev_window :: !Window
- | KeyEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_root :: !Window
- ev_subwindow :: !Window
- ev_time :: !Time
- ev_x :: !CInt
- ev_y :: !CInt
- ev_x_root :: !CInt
- ev_y_root :: !CInt
- ev_state :: !KeyMask
- ev_keycode :: !KeyCode
- ev_same_screen :: !Bool
- | ButtonEvent { }
- | MotionEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_x :: !CInt
- ev_y :: !CInt
- ev_window :: !Window
- | DestroyWindowEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_event :: !Window
- ev_window :: !Window
- | UnmapEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_event :: !Window
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_from_configure :: !Bool
- | MapNotifyEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_event :: !Window
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_override_redirect :: !Bool
- | MappingNotifyEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_request :: !MappingRequest
- ev_first_keycode :: !KeyCode
- ev_count :: !CInt
- | CrossingEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_root :: !Window
- ev_subwindow :: !Window
- ev_time :: !Time
- ev_x :: !CInt
- ev_y :: !CInt
- ev_x_root :: !CInt
- ev_y_root :: !CInt
- ev_mode :: !NotifyMode
- ev_detail :: !NotifyDetail
- ev_same_screen :: !Bool
- ev_focus :: !Bool
- ev_state :: !Modifier
- | SelectionRequest {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_owner :: !Window
- ev_requestor :: !Window
- ev_selection :: !Atom
- ev_target :: !Atom
- ev_property :: !Atom
- ev_time :: !Time
- | SelectionClear {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_selection :: !Atom
- ev_time :: !Time
- | PropertyEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_atom :: !Atom
- ev_time :: !Time
- ev_propstate :: !CInt
- | ExposeEvent { }
- | FocusChangeEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_mode :: !NotifyMode
- ev_detail :: !NotifyDetail
- | ClientMessageEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_message_type :: !Atom
- ev_data :: ![CInt]
- | RRScreenChangeNotifyEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_root :: !Window
- ev_timestamp :: !Time
- ev_config_timestamp :: !Time
- ev_size_index :: !SizeID
- ev_subpixel_order :: !SubpixelOrder
- ev_rotation :: !Rotation
- ev_width :: !CInt
- ev_height :: !CInt
- ev_mwidth :: !CInt
- ev_mheight :: !CInt
- | RRNotifyEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_subtype :: !CInt
- | RRCrtcChangeNotifyEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_subtype :: !CInt
- ev_crtc :: !RRCrtc
- ev_rr_mode :: !RRMode
- ev_rotation :: !Rotation
- ev_x :: !CInt
- ev_y :: !CInt
- ev_rr_width :: !CUInt
- ev_rr_height :: !CUInt
- | RROutputChangeNotifyEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_subtype :: !CInt
- ev_output :: !RROutput
- ev_crtc :: !RRCrtc
- ev_rr_mode :: !RRMode
- ev_rotation :: !Rotation
- ev_connection :: !Connection
- ev_subpixel_order :: !SubpixelOrder
- | RROutputPropertyNotifyEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_subtype :: !CInt
- ev_output :: !RROutput
- ev_property :: !Atom
- ev_timestamp :: !Time
- ev_rr_state :: !CInt
- | ScreenSaverNotifyEvent {
- ev_event_type :: !EventType
- ev_serial :: !CULong
- ev_send_event :: !Bool
- ev_event_display :: Display
- ev_window :: !Window
- ev_root :: !Window
- ev_ss_state :: !XScreenSaverState
- ev_ss_kind :: !XScreenSaverKind
- ev_forced :: !Bool
- ev_time :: !Time
- = AnyEvent {
- data WindowChanges = WindowChanges {
- wc_x :: CInt
- wc_y :: CInt
- wc_width :: CInt
- wc_height :: CInt
- wc_border_width :: CInt
- wc_sibling :: Window
- wc_stack_mode :: CInt
- data WindowAttributes = WindowAttributes {}
- data TextProperty = TextProperty {}
- newtype FontSet = FontSet (Ptr FontSet)
- data SizeHints = SizeHints {
- sh_min_size :: Maybe (Dimension, Dimension)
- sh_max_size :: Maybe (Dimension, Dimension)
- sh_resize_inc :: Maybe (Dimension, Dimension)
- sh_aspect :: Maybe ((Dimension, Dimension), (Dimension, Dimension))
- sh_base_size :: Maybe (Dimension, Dimension)
- sh_win_gravity :: Maybe BitGravity
- data ClassHint = ClassHint {}
- data WMHints = WMHints {}
- type XErrorEventPtr = Ptr ()
- type CXErrorHandler = Display -> XErrorEventPtr -> IO CInt
- type XErrorHandler = Display -> XErrorEventPtr -> IO ()
- data ErrorEvent = ErrorEvent {
- ev_type :: !CInt
- ev_display :: Display
- ev_serialnum :: !CULong
- ev_error_code :: !CUChar
- ev_request_code :: !CUChar
- ev_minor_code :: !CUChar
- ev_resourceid :: !XID
- restackWindows :: Display -> [Window] -> IO ()
- withdrawWindow :: Display -> Window -> ScreenNumber -> IO ()
- iconifyWindow :: Display -> Window -> ScreenNumber -> IO ()
- translateCoordinates :: Display -> Window -> Window -> Position -> Position -> IO (Bool, Position, Position, Window)
- storeName :: Display -> Window -> String -> IO ()
- createSimpleWindow :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> Pixel -> Pixel -> IO Window
- createWindow :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> CInt -> WindowClass -> Visual -> AttributeMask -> Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> IO Window
- moveResizeWindow :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO ()
- resizeWindow :: Display -> Window -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO ()
- moveWindow :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> IO ()
- reparentWindow :: Display -> Window -> Window -> Position -> Position -> IO ()
- mapSubwindows :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- unmapSubwindows :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- mapWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- lowerWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- raiseWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- circulateSubwindowsDown :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- circulateSubwindowsUp :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- circulateSubwindows :: Display -> Window -> CirculationDirection -> IO ()
- destroyWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- destroySubwindows :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- setWindowBorder :: Display -> Window -> Pixel -> IO ()
- setWindowBorderPixmap :: Display -> Window -> Pixmap -> IO ()
- setWindowBorderWidth :: Display -> Window -> Dimension -> IO ()
- setWindowBackground :: Display -> Window -> Pixel -> IO ()
- setWindowBackgroundPixmap :: Display -> Window -> Pixmap -> IO ()
- setWindowColormap :: Display -> Window -> Colormap -> IO ()
- addToSaveSet :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- removeFromSaveSet :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- changeSaveSet :: Display -> Window -> ChangeSaveSetMode -> IO ()
- clearWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- clearArea :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Bool -> IO ()
- setTextProperty :: Display -> Window -> String -> Atom -> IO ()
- rotateBuffers :: Display -> CInt -> IO ()
- fetchBytes :: Display -> IO String
- fetchBuffer :: Display -> CInt -> IO String
- storeBytes :: Display -> String -> IO ()
- storeBuffer :: Display -> String -> CInt -> IO ()
- drawImageString :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> String -> IO ()
- drawString :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> String -> IO ()
- fillArcs :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Arc] -> IO ()
- fillPolygon :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Point] -> PolygonShape -> CoordinateMode -> IO ()
- fillRectangles :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Rectangle] -> IO ()
- drawArcs :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Arc] -> IO ()
- drawRectangles :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Rectangle] -> IO ()
- drawSegments :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Segment] -> IO ()
- drawLines :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Point] -> CoordinateMode -> IO ()
- drawPoints :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Point] -> CoordinateMode -> IO ()
- set_cursor :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Cursor -> IO ()
- set_colormap :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Colormap -> IO ()
- set_override_redirect :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Bool -> IO ()
- set_do_not_propagate_mask :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> EventMask -> IO ()
- set_event_mask :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> EventMask -> IO ()
- set_save_under :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Bool -> IO ()
- set_backing_pixel :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixel -> IO ()
- set_backing_planes :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixel -> IO ()
- set_backing_store :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> BackingStore -> IO ()
- set_win_gravity :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> WindowGravity -> IO ()
- set_bit_gravity :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> BitGravity -> IO ()
- set_border_pixel :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixel -> IO ()
- set_border_pixmap :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixmap -> IO ()
- set_background_pixel :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixel -> IO ()
- set_background_pixmap :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixmap -> IO ()
- allocaSetWindowAttributes :: (Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> IO a) -> IO a
- setWMProtocols :: Display -> Window -> [Atom] -> IO ()
- recolorCursor :: Display -> Cursor -> Color -> Color -> IO ()
- createGlyphCursor :: Display -> Font -> Font -> Glyph -> Glyph -> Color -> Color -> IO Cursor
- createPixmapCursor :: Display -> Pixmap -> Pixmap -> Color -> Color -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO Cursor
- setIconName :: Display -> Window -> String -> IO ()
- getIconName :: Display -> Window -> IO String
- lookupString :: XKeyEventPtr -> IO (Maybe KeySym, String)
- noSymbol :: KeySym
- stringToKeysym :: String -> KeySym
- keysymToString :: KeySym -> String
- displayKeycodes :: Display -> (CInt, CInt)
- readBitmapFile :: Display -> Drawable -> String -> IO (Either String (Dimension, Dimension, Pixmap, Maybe CInt, Maybe CInt))
- matchVisualInfo :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Maybe VisualInfo)
- getVisualInfo :: Display -> VisualInfoMask -> VisualInfo -> IO [VisualInfo]
- visualAllMask :: VisualInfoMask
- visualBitsPerRGBMask :: VisualInfoMask
- visualColormapSizeMask :: VisualInfoMask
- visualBlueMaskMask :: VisualInfoMask
- visualGreenMaskMask :: VisualInfoMask
- visualRedMaskMask :: VisualInfoMask
- visualClassMask :: VisualInfoMask
- visualDepthMask :: VisualInfoMask
- visualScreenMask :: VisualInfoMask
- visualIDMask :: VisualInfoMask
- visualNoMask :: VisualInfoMask
- getPointerControl :: Display -> IO (CInt, CInt, CInt)
- getScreenSaver :: Display -> IO (CInt, CInt, PreferBlankingMode, AllowExposuresMode)
- screenSaverReset :: ScreenSaverMode
- screenSaverActive :: ScreenSaverMode
- defaultBlanking :: PreferBlankingMode
- preferBlanking :: PreferBlankingMode
- dontPreferBlanking :: PreferBlankingMode
- defaultExposures :: AllowExposuresMode
- allowExposures :: AllowExposuresMode
- dontAllowExposures :: AllowExposuresMode
- setLocaleModifiers :: String -> IO String
- getGeometry :: Display -> Drawable -> IO (Window, Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension, Dimension, CInt)
- geometry :: Display -> CInt -> String -> String -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (CInt, Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension)
- setDefaultErrorHandler :: IO ()
- displayName :: String -> String
- queryPointer :: Display -> Window -> IO (Bool, Window, Window, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, Modifier)
- queryBestSize :: Display -> QueryBestSizeClass -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO (Dimension, Dimension)
- queryBestCursor :: Display -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO (Dimension, Dimension)
- queryBestStipple :: Display -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO (Dimension, Dimension)
- queryBestTile :: Display -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO (Dimension, Dimension)
- getInputFocus :: Display -> IO (Window, FocusMode)
- rmInitialize :: IO ()
- autoRepeatOff :: Display -> IO ()
- autoRepeatOn :: Display -> IO ()
- bell :: Display -> CInt -> IO ()
- setCloseDownMode :: Display -> CloseDownMode -> IO ()
- lastKnownRequestProcessed :: Display -> IO CInt
- setInputFocus :: Display -> Window -> FocusMode -> Time -> IO ()
- grabButton :: Display -> Button -> ButtonMask -> Window -> Bool -> EventMask -> GrabMode -> GrabMode -> Window -> Cursor -> IO ()
- ungrabButton :: Display -> Button -> ButtonMask -> Window -> IO ()
- grabPointer :: Display -> Window -> Bool -> EventMask -> GrabMode -> GrabMode -> Window -> Cursor -> Time -> IO GrabStatus
- ungrabPointer :: Display -> Time -> IO ()
- grabKey :: Display -> KeyCode -> KeyMask -> Window -> Bool -> GrabMode -> GrabMode -> IO ()
- ungrabKey :: Display -> KeyCode -> KeyMask -> Window -> IO ()
- grabKeyboard :: Display -> Window -> Bool -> GrabMode -> GrabMode -> Time -> IO GrabStatus
- ungrabKeyboard :: Display -> Time -> IO ()
- grabServer :: Display -> IO ()
- ungrabServer :: Display -> IO ()
- supportsLocale :: IO Bool
- setScreenSaver :: Display -> CInt -> CInt -> PreferBlankingMode -> AllowExposuresMode -> IO ()
- activateScreenSaver :: Display -> IO ()
- resetScreenSaver :: Display -> IO ()
- forceScreenSaver :: Display -> ScreenSaverMode -> IO ()
- warpPointer :: Display -> Window -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Position -> Position -> IO ()
- visualIDFromVisual :: Visual -> IO VisualID
- initThreads :: IO Status
- lockDisplay :: Display -> IO ()
- unlockDisplay :: Display -> IO ()
- createPixmap :: Display -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> IO Pixmap
- freePixmap :: Display -> Pixmap -> IO ()
- bitmapBitOrder :: Display -> ByteOrder
- bitmapUnit :: Display -> CInt
- bitmapPad :: Display -> CInt
- lookupKeysym :: XKeyEventPtr -> CInt -> IO KeySym
- keycodeToKeysym :: Display -> KeyCode -> CInt -> IO KeySym
- keysymToKeycode :: Display -> KeySym -> IO KeyCode
- defineCursor :: Display -> Window -> Cursor -> IO ()
- undefineCursor :: Display -> Window -> IO ()
- createFontCursor :: Display -> Glyph -> IO Cursor
- freeCursor :: Display -> Font -> IO ()
- drawPoint :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> IO ()
- drawLine :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Position -> Position -> IO ()
- drawRectangle :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO ()
- drawArc :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Angle -> Angle -> IO ()
- fillRectangle :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO ()
- fillArc :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Angle -> Angle -> IO ()
- copyArea :: Display -> Drawable -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Position -> Position -> IO ()
- copyPlane :: Display -> Drawable -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Position -> Position -> Pixel -> IO ()
- type AllowExposuresMode = CInt
- type PreferBlankingMode = CInt
- type ScreenSaverMode = CInt
- type VisualInfoMask = CLong
- wM_CLASS :: Atom
- cAP_HEIGHT :: Atom
- fULL_NAME :: Atom
- fAMILY_NAME :: Atom
- fONT_NAME :: Atom
- nOTICE :: Atom
- cOPYRIGHT :: Atom
- rESOLUTION :: Atom
- pOINT_SIZE :: Atom
- wEIGHT :: Atom
- qUAD_WIDTH :: Atom
- x_HEIGHT :: Atom
- iTALIC_ANGLE :: Atom
- sUBSCRIPT_Y :: Atom
- sUBSCRIPT_X :: Atom
- eND_SPACE :: Atom
- mAX_SPACE :: Atom
- nORM_SPACE :: Atom
- mIN_SPACE :: Atom
- wM_ZOOM_HINTS :: Atom
- wM_SIZE_HINTS :: Atom
- wM_NAME :: Atom
- wM_ICON_SIZE :: Atom
- wM_ICON_NAME :: Atom
- wM_HINTS :: Atom
- wM_COMMAND :: Atom
- wINDOW :: Atom
- vISUALID :: Atom
- sTRING :: Atom
- rGB_RED_MAP :: Atom
- rGB_GREEN_MAP :: Atom
- rGB_GRAY_MAP :: Atom
- rGB_BLUE_MAP :: Atom
- rGB_BEST_MAP :: Atom
- rGB_COLOR_MAP :: Atom
- rECTANGLE :: Atom
- pOINT :: Atom
- pIXMAP :: Atom
- iNTEGER :: Atom
- fONT :: Atom
- dRAWABLE :: Atom
- cUT_BUFFER7 :: Atom
- cUT_BUFFER6 :: Atom
- cUT_BUFFER5 :: Atom
- cUT_BUFFER4 :: Atom
- cUT_BUFFER3 :: Atom
- cUT_BUFFER2 :: Atom
- cUT_BUFFER1 :: Atom
- cUT_BUFFER0 :: Atom
- cURSOR :: Atom
- cOLORMAP :: Atom
- cARDINAL :: Atom
- bITMAP :: Atom
- aTOM :: Atom
- aRC :: Atom
- sECONDARY :: Atom
- pRIMARY :: Atom
- getAtomNames :: Display -> [Atom] -> IO [String]
- getAtomName :: Display -> Atom -> IO (Maybe String)
- internAtom :: Display -> String -> Bool -> IO Atom
- queryColors :: Display -> Colormap -> [Color] -> IO [Color]
- queryColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Color -> IO Color
- storeColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Color -> IO ()
- freeColors :: Display -> Colormap -> [Pixel] -> Pixel -> IO ()
- parseColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> IO Color
- allocColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Color -> IO Color
- allocNamedColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> IO (Color, Color)
- lookupColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> IO (Color, Color)
- installColormap :: Display -> Colormap -> IO ()
- uninstallColormap :: Display -> Colormap -> IO ()
- copyColormapAndFree :: Display -> Colormap -> IO Colormap
- createColormap :: Display -> Window -> Visual -> ColormapAlloc -> IO Colormap
- freeColormap :: Display -> Colormap -> IO ()
- createGC :: Display -> Drawable -> IO GC
- setDashes :: Display -> GC -> CInt -> String -> CInt -> IO ()
- setArcMode :: Display -> GC -> ArcMode -> IO ()
- setBackground :: Display -> GC -> Pixel -> IO ()
- setForeground :: Display -> GC -> Pixel -> IO ()
- setFunction :: Display -> GC -> GXFunction -> IO ()
- setGraphicsExposures :: Display -> GC -> Bool -> IO ()
- setClipMask :: Display -> GC -> Pixmap -> IO ()
- setClipOrigin :: Display -> GC -> Position -> Position -> IO ()
- setFillRule :: Display -> GC -> FillRule -> IO ()
- setFillStyle :: Display -> GC -> FillStyle -> IO ()
- setFont :: Display -> GC -> Font -> IO ()
- setLineAttributes :: Display -> GC -> CInt -> LineStyle -> CapStyle -> JoinStyle -> IO ()
- setPlaneMask :: Display -> GC -> Pixel -> IO ()
- setState :: Display -> GC -> Pixel -> Pixel -> GXFunction -> Pixel -> IO ()
- setStipple :: Display -> GC -> Pixmap -> IO ()
- setSubwindowMode :: Display -> GC -> SubWindowMode -> IO ()
- setTSOrigin :: Display -> GC -> Position -> Position -> IO ()
- setTile :: Display -> GC -> Pixmap -> IO ()
- gContextFromGC :: GC -> GContext
- freeGC :: Display -> GC -> IO ()
- flushGC :: Display -> GC -> IO ()
- copyGC :: Display -> GC -> Mask -> GC -> IO ()
- sendEvent :: Display -> Window -> Bool -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO ()
- gettimeofday_in_milliseconds :: IO Integer
- waitForEvent :: Display -> Word32 -> IO Bool
- get_ConfigureEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XConfigureEvent
- get_ExposeEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XExposeEvent
- get_MotionEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XMotionEvent
- get_ButtonEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XButtonEvent
- asKeyEvent :: XEventPtr -> XKeyEventPtr
- get_KeyEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XKeyEvent
- get_Window :: XEventPtr -> IO Window
- get_EventType :: XEventPtr -> IO EventType
- allocaXEvent :: (XEventPtr -> IO a) -> IO a
- queuedAfterReading :: QueuedMode
- queuedAfterFlush :: QueuedMode
- queuedAlready :: QueuedMode
- flush :: Display -> IO ()
- sync :: Display -> Bool -> IO ()
- pending :: Display -> IO CInt
- eventsQueued :: Display -> QueuedMode -> IO CInt
- nextEvent :: Display -> XEventPtr -> IO ()
- allowEvents :: Display -> AllowEvents -> Time -> IO ()
- selectInput :: Display -> Window -> EventMask -> IO ()
- windowEvent :: Display -> Window -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO ()
- checkWindowEvent :: Display -> Window -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO Bool
- maskEvent :: Display -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO ()
- checkMaskEvent :: Display -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO Bool
- checkTypedEvent :: Display -> EventType -> XEventPtr -> IO Bool
- checkTypedWindowEvent :: Display -> Window -> EventType -> XEventPtr -> IO Bool
- putBackEvent :: Display -> XEventPtr -> IO ()
- peekEvent :: Display -> XEventPtr -> IO ()
- type QueuedMode = CInt
- newtype XEvent = XEvent XEventPtr
- type XEventPtr = Ptr XEvent
- type XKeyEvent = (Window, Window, Time, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, Modifier, KeyCode, Bool)
- type XKeyEventPtr = Ptr XKeyEvent
- type XButtonEvent = (Window, Window, Time, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, Modifier, Button, Bool)
- type XMotionEvent = (Window, Window, Time, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, Modifier, NotifyMode, Bool)
- type XExposeEvent = (Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension, CInt)
- type XMappingEvent = (MappingRequest, KeyCode, CInt)
- type XConfigureEvent = (Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension)
- openDisplay :: String -> IO Display
- serverVendor :: Display -> String
- displayString :: Display -> String
- screenResourceString :: Screen -> String
- resourceManagerString :: Display -> String
- allPlanes_aux :: Pixel
- blackPixel :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Pixel
- whitePixel :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Pixel
- connectionNumber :: Display -> CInt
- defaultColormap :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Colormap
- defaultGC :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> GC
- defaultDepth :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt
- defaultScreen :: Display -> ScreenNumber
- defaultScreenOfDisplay :: Display -> Screen
- displayHeight :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt
- displayHeightMM :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt
- displayWidth :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt
- displayWidthMM :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt
- maxRequestSize :: Display -> CInt
- displayMotionBufferSize :: Display -> CInt
- imageByteOrder :: Display -> CInt
- protocolRevision :: Display -> CInt
- protocolVersion :: Display -> CInt
- screenCount :: Display -> CInt
- defaultVisual :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Visual
- displayCells :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt
- displayPlanes :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt
- screenOfDisplay :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Screen
- defaultRootWindow :: Display -> Window
- rootWindow :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> IO Window
- qLength :: Display -> IO CInt
- noOp :: Display -> IO ()
- closeDisplay :: Display -> IO ()
- xC_xterm :: Glyph
- xC_watch :: Glyph
- xC_ur_angle :: Glyph
- xC_umbrella :: Glyph
- xC_ul_angle :: Glyph
- xC_trek :: Glyph
- xC_top_tee :: Glyph
- xC_top_side :: Glyph
- xC_top_right_corner :: Glyph
- xC_top_left_corner :: Glyph
- xC_top_left_arrow :: Glyph
- xC_tcross :: Glyph
- xC_target :: Glyph
- xC_star :: Glyph
- xC_spraycan :: Glyph
- xC_spider :: Glyph
- xC_sizing :: Glyph
- xC_shuttle :: Glyph
- xC_sb_v_double_arrow :: Glyph
- xC_sb_up_arrow :: Glyph
- xC_sb_right_arrow :: Glyph
- xC_sb_left_arrow :: Glyph
- xC_sb_h_double_arrow :: Glyph
- xC_sb_down_arrow :: Glyph
- xC_sailboat :: Glyph
- xC_rtl_logo :: Glyph
- xC_rightbutton :: Glyph
- xC_right_tee :: Glyph
- xC_right_side :: Glyph
- xC_right_ptr :: Glyph
- xC_question_arrow :: Glyph
- xC_plus :: Glyph
- xC_pirate :: Glyph
- xC_pencil :: Glyph
- xC_mouse :: Glyph
- xC_man :: Glyph
- xC_lr_angle :: Glyph
- xC_ll_angle :: Glyph
- xC_leftbutton :: Glyph
- xC_left_tee :: Glyph
- xC_left_side :: Glyph
- xC_left_ptr :: Glyph
- xC_iron_cross :: Glyph
- xC_icon :: Glyph
- xC_heart :: Glyph
- xC_hand2 :: Glyph
- xC_hand1 :: Glyph
- xC_gumby :: Glyph
- xC_gobbler :: Glyph
- xC_fleur :: Glyph
- xC_exchange :: Glyph
- xC_draped_box :: Glyph
- xC_draft_small :: Glyph
- xC_draft_large :: Glyph
- xC_double_arrow :: Glyph
- xC_dotbox :: Glyph
- xC_dot :: Glyph
- xC_diamond_cross :: Glyph
- xC_crosshair :: Glyph
- xC_cross_reverse :: Glyph
- xC_cross :: Glyph
- xC_coffee_mug :: Glyph
- xC_clock :: Glyph
- xC_circle :: Glyph
- xC_center_ptr :: Glyph
- xC_box_spiral :: Glyph
- xC_bottom_tee :: Glyph
- xC_bottom_side :: Glyph
- xC_bottom_right_corner :: Glyph
- xC_bottom_left_corner :: Glyph
- xC_bogosity :: Glyph
- xC_boat :: Glyph
- xC_based_arrow_up :: Glyph
- xC_based_arrow_down :: Glyph
- xC_arrow :: Glyph
- xC_X_cursor :: Glyph
- textWidth :: FontStruct -> String -> Int32
- textExtents :: FontStruct -> String -> (FontDirection, Int32, Int32, CharStruct)
- maxBoundsFromFontStruct :: FontStruct -> CharStruct
- minBoundsFromFontStruct :: FontStruct -> CharStruct
- descentFromFontStruct :: FontStruct -> Int32
- ascentFromFontStruct :: FontStruct -> Int32
- fontFromFontStruct :: FontStruct -> Font
- loadQueryFont :: Display -> String -> IO FontStruct
- fontFromGC :: Display -> GC -> IO Font
- queryFont :: Display -> Font -> IO FontStruct
- freeFont :: Display -> FontStruct -> IO ()
- type Glyph = Word16
- data FontStruct
- type CharStruct = (CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt)
- getPixel :: Image -> CInt -> CInt -> CULong
- getImage :: Display -> Drawable -> CInt -> CInt -> CUInt -> CUInt -> CULong -> ImageFormat -> IO Image
- createImage :: Display -> Visual -> CInt -> ImageFormat -> CInt -> Ptr CChar -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> CInt -> IO Image
- putImage :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Image -> Position -> Position -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO ()
- destroyImage :: Image -> IO ()
- xGetPixel :: Image -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CULong
- setRegion :: Display -> GC -> Region -> IO CInt
- shrinkRegion :: Region -> Point -> IO CInt
- offsetRegion :: Region -> Point -> IO CInt
- clipBox :: Region -> IO (Rectangle, CInt)
- rectInRegion :: Region -> Rectangle -> IO RectInRegionResult
- pointInRegion :: Region -> Point -> IO Bool
- equalRegion :: Region -> Region -> IO Bool
- emptyRegion :: Region -> IO Bool
- xorRegion :: Region -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt
- unionRegion :: Region -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt
- unionRectWithRegion :: Rectangle -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt
- subtractRegion :: Region -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt
- intersectRegion :: Region -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt
- polygonRegion :: [Point] -> FillRule -> IO Region
- createRegion :: IO Region
- rectanglePart :: RectInRegionResult
- rectangleIn :: RectInRegionResult
- rectangleOut :: RectInRegionResult
- data Region
- type RectInRegionResult = CInt
- blackPixelOfScreen :: Screen -> Pixel
- whitePixelOfScreen :: Screen -> Pixel
- cellsOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt
- defaultColormapOfScreen :: Screen -> Colormap
- defaultDepthOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt
- defaultGCOfScreen :: Screen -> GC
- defaultVisualOfScreen :: Screen -> Visual
- doesBackingStore :: Screen -> Bool
- doesSaveUnders :: Screen -> Bool
- displayOfScreen :: Screen -> Display
- eventMaskOfScreen :: Screen -> EventMask
- minCmapsOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt
- maxCmapsOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt
- rootWindowOfScreen :: Screen -> Window
- widthOfScreen :: Screen -> Dimension
- widthMMOfScreen :: Screen -> Dimension
- heightOfScreen :: Screen -> Dimension
- heightMMOfScreen :: Screen -> Dimension
- planesOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt
- screenNumberOfScreen :: Screen -> ScreenNumber
- newtype Display = Display (Ptr Display)
- data Screen
- data Visual
- data GC
- data SetWindowAttributes
- data VisualInfo = VisualInfo {}
- data Image
- type Pixel = Word64
- type Position = Int32
- type Dimension = Word32
- type Angle = CInt
- type ScreenNumber = Word32
- type Buffer = CInt
- data Point = Point {}
- data Rectangle = Rectangle {
- rect_x :: !Position
- rect_y :: !Position
- rect_width :: !Dimension
- rect_height :: !Dimension
- data Arc = Arc {
- arc_x :: Position
- arc_y :: Position
- arc_width :: Dimension
- arc_height :: Dimension
- arc_angle1 :: Angle
- arc_angle2 :: Angle
- data Segment = Segment {}
- data Color = Color {
- color_pixel :: Pixel
- color_red :: Word16
- color_green :: Word16
- color_blue :: Word16
- color_flags :: Word8
- xFree :: Ptr a -> IO CInt
- xRR_UnknownConnection :: Connection
- xRR_Disconnected :: Connection
- xRR_Connected :: Connection
- xRR_Reflect_Y :: Reflection
- xRR_Reflect_X :: Reflection
- xRR_Rotate_270 :: Rotation
- xRR_Rotate_180 :: Rotation
- xRR_Rotate_90 :: Rotation
- xRR_Rotate_0 :: Rotation
- zPixmap :: ImageFormat
- xyPixmap :: ImageFormat
- xyBitmap :: ImageFormat
- fontRightToLeft :: FontDirection
- fontLeftToRight :: FontDirection
- doBlue :: Word8
- doGreen :: Word8
- doRed :: Word8
- always :: BackingStore
- whenMapped :: BackingStore
- notUseful :: BackingStore
- unmapGravity :: WindowGravity
- staticGravity :: BitGravity
- southEastGravity :: BitGravity
- southGravity :: BitGravity
- southWestGravity :: BitGravity
- eastGravity :: BitGravity
- centerGravity :: BitGravity
- westGravity :: BitGravity
- northEastGravity :: BitGravity
- northGravity :: BitGravity
- northWestGravity :: BitGravity
- forgetGravity :: BitGravity
- setModeDelete :: ChangeSaveSetMode
- setModeInsert :: ChangeSaveSetMode
- mappingPointer :: MappingRequest
- mappingKeyboard :: MappingRequest
- mappingModifier :: MappingRequest
- allocAll :: ColormapAlloc
- allocNone :: ColormapAlloc
- mSBFirst :: ByteOrder
- lSBFirst :: ByteOrder
- lowerHighest :: CirculationDirection
- raiseLowest :: CirculationDirection
- gCLastBit :: GCMask
- gCArcMode :: GCMask
- gCDashList :: GCMask
- gCDashOffset :: GCMask
- gCClipMask :: GCMask
- gCClipYOrigin :: GCMask
- gCClipXOrigin :: GCMask
- gCGraphicsExposures :: GCMask
- gCSubwindowMode :: GCMask
- gCFont :: GCMask
- gCTileStipYOrigin :: GCMask
- gCTileStipXOrigin :: GCMask
- gCStipple :: GCMask
- gCTile :: GCMask
- gCFillRule :: GCMask
- gCFillStyle :: GCMask
- gCJoinStyle :: GCMask
- gCCapStyle :: GCMask
- gCLineStyle :: GCMask
- gCLineWidth :: GCMask
- gCBackground :: GCMask
- gCForeground :: GCMask
- gCPlaneMask :: GCMask
- gCFunction :: GCMask
- arcPieSlice :: ArcMode
- arcChord :: ArcMode
- convex :: PolygonShape
- nonconvex :: PolygonShape
- complex :: PolygonShape
- coordModePrevious :: CoordinateMode
- coordModeOrigin :: CoordinateMode
- includeInferiors :: SubWindowMode
- clipByChildren :: SubWindowMode
- windingRule :: FillRule
- evenOddRule :: FillRule
- fillOpaqueStippled :: FillStyle
- fillStippled :: FillStyle
- fillTiled :: FillStyle
- fillSolid :: FillStyle
- joinBevel :: JoinStyle
- joinRound :: JoinStyle
- joinMiter :: JoinStyle
- capProjecting :: CapStyle
- capRound :: CapStyle
- capButt :: CapStyle
- capNotLast :: CapStyle
- lineDoubleDash :: LineStyle
- lineOnOffDash :: LineStyle
- lineSolid :: LineStyle
- gXset :: GXFunction
- gXnand :: GXFunction
- gXorInverted :: GXFunction
- gXcopyInverted :: GXFunction
- gXorReverse :: GXFunction
- gXinvert :: GXFunction
- gXequiv :: GXFunction
- gXnor :: GXFunction
- gXor :: GXFunction
- gXxor :: GXFunction
- gXnoop :: GXFunction
- gXandInverted :: GXFunction
- gXcopy :: GXFunction
- gXandReverse :: GXFunction
- gXand :: GXFunction
- gXclear :: GXFunction
- stippleShape :: QueryBestSizeClass
- tileShape :: QueryBestSizeClass
- cursorShape :: QueryBestSizeClass
- retainTemporary :: CloseDownMode
- retainPermanent :: CloseDownMode
- destroyAll :: CloseDownMode
- cWHeight :: AttributeMask
- cWWidth :: AttributeMask
- cWY :: AttributeMask
- cWX :: AttributeMask
- cWCursor :: AttributeMask
- cWColormap :: AttributeMask
- cWDontPropagate :: AttributeMask
- cWEventMask :: AttributeMask
- cWSaveUnder :: AttributeMask
- cWOverrideRedirect :: AttributeMask
- cWBackingPixel :: AttributeMask
- cWBackingPlanes :: AttributeMask
- cWBackingStore :: AttributeMask
- cWWinGravity :: AttributeMask
- cWBitGravity :: AttributeMask
- cWBorderPixel :: AttributeMask
- cWBorderPixmap :: AttributeMask
- cWBackPixel :: AttributeMask
- cWBackPixmap :: AttributeMask
- inputOnly :: WindowClass
- inputOutput :: WindowClass
- copyFromParent :: WindowClass
- throwIfZero :: String -> IO Status -> IO ()
- lastExtensionError :: ErrorCode
- firstExtensionError :: ErrorCode
- badImplementation :: ErrorCode
- badLength :: ErrorCode
- badName :: ErrorCode
- badIDChoice :: ErrorCode
- badGC :: ErrorCode
- badColor :: ErrorCode
- badAlloc :: ErrorCode
- badAccess :: ErrorCode
- badDrawable :: ErrorCode
- badMatch :: ErrorCode
- badFont :: ErrorCode
- badCursor :: ErrorCode
- badAtom :: ErrorCode
- badPixmap :: ErrorCode
- badWindow :: ErrorCode
- badValue :: ErrorCode
- badRequest :: ErrorCode
- success :: ErrorCode
- revertToParent :: FocusMode
- revertToPointerRoot :: FocusMode
- revertToNone :: FocusMode
- syncBoth :: AllowEvents
- asyncBoth :: AllowEvents
- replayKeyboard :: AllowEvents
- syncKeyboard :: AllowEvents
- asyncKeyboard :: AllowEvents
- replayPointer :: AllowEvents
- syncPointer :: AllowEvents
- asyncPointer :: AllowEvents
- grabFrozen :: GrabStatus
- grabNotViewable :: GrabStatus
- grabInvalidTime :: GrabStatus
- alreadyGrabbed :: GrabStatus
- grabSuccess :: GrabStatus
- grabModeAsync :: GrabMode
- grabModeSync :: GrabMode
- colormapInstalled :: ColormapNotification
- colormapUninstalled :: ColormapNotification
- propertyDelete :: PropertyNotification
- propertyNewValue :: PropertyNotification
- familyChaos :: Protocol
- familyDECnet :: Protocol
- familyInternet :: Protocol
- placeOnBottom :: Place
- placeOnTop :: Place
- visibilityFullyObscured :: Visibility
- visibilityPartiallyObscured :: Visibility
- visibilityUnobscured :: Visibility
- notifyDetailNone :: NotifyDetail
- notifyPointerRoot :: NotifyDetail
- notifyPointer :: NotifyDetail
- notifyNonlinearVirtual :: NotifyDetail
- notifyNonlinear :: NotifyDetail
- notifyInferior :: NotifyDetail
- notifyVirtual :: NotifyDetail
- notifyAncestor :: NotifyDetail
- notifyHint :: NotifyMode
- notifyWhileGrabbed :: NotifyMode
- notifyUngrab :: NotifyMode
- notifyGrab :: NotifyMode
- notifyNormal :: NotifyMode
- button5 :: Button
- button4 :: Button
- button3 :: Button
- button2 :: Button
- button1 :: Button
- button5Mask :: ButtonMask
- button4Mask :: ButtonMask
- button3Mask :: ButtonMask
- button2Mask :: ButtonMask
- button1Mask :: ButtonMask
- mod5Mask :: KeyMask
- mod4Mask :: KeyMask
- mod3Mask :: KeyMask
- mod2Mask :: KeyMask
- mod1Mask :: KeyMask
- controlMask :: KeyMask
- lockMask :: KeyMask
- shiftMask :: KeyMask
- noModMask :: KeyMask
- anyModifier :: Modifier
- mod5MapIndex :: Modifier
- mod4MapIndex :: Modifier
- mod3MapIndex :: Modifier
- mod2MapIndex :: Modifier
- mod1MapIndex :: Modifier
- controlMapIndex :: Modifier
- lockMapIndex :: Modifier
- shiftMapIndex :: Modifier
- screenSaverNotify :: EventType
- lASTEvent :: EventType
- rrNotifyOutputProperty :: EventType
- rrNotifyOutputChange :: EventType
- rrNotifyCrtcChange :: EventType
- rrNotify :: EventType
- rrScreenChangeNotify :: EventType
- mappingNotify :: EventType
- clientMessage :: EventType
- colormapNotify :: EventType
- selectionNotify :: EventType
- selectionRequest :: EventType
- selectionClear :: EventType
- propertyNotify :: EventType
- circulateRequest :: EventType
- circulateNotify :: EventType
- resizeRequest :: EventType
- gravityNotify :: EventType
- configureRequest :: EventType
- configureNotify :: EventType
- reparentNotify :: EventType
- mapRequest :: EventType
- mapNotify :: EventType
- unmapNotify :: EventType
- destroyNotify :: EventType
- createNotify :: EventType
- visibilityNotify :: EventType
- noExpose :: EventType
- graphicsExpose :: EventType
- expose :: EventType
- keymapNotify :: EventType
- focusOut :: EventType
- focusIn :: EventType
- leaveNotify :: EventType
- enterNotify :: EventType
- motionNotify :: EventType
- buttonRelease :: EventType
- buttonPress :: EventType
- keyRelease :: EventType
- keyPress :: EventType
- screenSaverNotifyMask :: EventMask
- screenSaverCycleMask :: EventMask
- rrOutputPropertyNotifyMask :: EventMask
- rrOutputChangeNotifyMask :: EventMask
- rrCrtcChangeNotifyMask :: EventMask
- rrScreenChangeNotifyMask :: EventMask
- ownerGrabButtonMask :: EventMask
- colormapChangeMask :: EventMask
- propertyChangeMask :: EventMask
- focusChangeMask :: EventMask
- substructureRedirectMask :: EventMask
- substructureNotifyMask :: EventMask
- resizeRedirectMask :: EventMask
- structureNotifyMask :: EventMask
- visibilityChangeMask :: EventMask
- exposureMask :: EventMask
- keymapStateMask :: EventMask
- buttonMotionMask :: EventMask
- button5MotionMask :: EventMask
- button4MotionMask :: EventMask
- button3MotionMask :: EventMask
- button2MotionMask :: EventMask
- button1MotionMask :: EventMask
- pointerMotionHintMask :: EventMask
- pointerMotionMask :: EventMask
- leaveWindowMask :: EventMask
- enterWindowMask :: EventMask
- buttonReleaseMask :: EventMask
- buttonPressMask :: EventMask
- keyReleaseMask :: EventMask
- keyPressMask :: EventMask
- noEventMask :: EventMask
- xK_ydiaeresis :: KeySym
- xK_thorn :: KeySym
- xK_yacute :: KeySym
- xK_udiaeresis :: KeySym
- xK_ucircumflex :: KeySym
- xK_uacute :: KeySym
- xK_ugrave :: KeySym
- xK_oslash :: KeySym
- xK_division :: KeySym
- xK_odiaeresis :: KeySym
- xK_otilde :: KeySym
- xK_ocircumflex :: KeySym
- xK_oacute :: KeySym
- xK_ograve :: KeySym
- xK_ntilde :: KeySym
- xK_eth :: KeySym
- xK_idiaeresis :: KeySym
- xK_icircumflex :: KeySym
- xK_iacute :: KeySym
- xK_igrave :: KeySym
- xK_ediaeresis :: KeySym
- xK_ecircumflex :: KeySym
- xK_eacute :: KeySym
- xK_egrave :: KeySym
- xK_ccedilla :: KeySym
- xK_ae :: KeySym
- xK_aring :: KeySym
- xK_adiaeresis :: KeySym
- xK_atilde :: KeySym
- xK_acircumflex :: KeySym
- xK_aacute :: KeySym
- xK_agrave :: KeySym
- xK_ssharp :: KeySym
- xK_Thorn :: KeySym
- xK_THORN :: KeySym
- xK_Yacute :: KeySym
- xK_Udiaeresis :: KeySym
- xK_Ucircumflex :: KeySym
- xK_Uacute :: KeySym
- xK_Ugrave :: KeySym
- xK_Ooblique :: KeySym
- xK_multiply :: KeySym
- xK_Odiaeresis :: KeySym
- xK_Otilde :: KeySym
- xK_Ocircumflex :: KeySym
- xK_Oacute :: KeySym
- xK_Ograve :: KeySym
- xK_Ntilde :: KeySym
- xK_Eth :: KeySym
- xK_ETH :: KeySym
- xK_Idiaeresis :: KeySym
- xK_Icircumflex :: KeySym
- xK_Iacute :: KeySym
- xK_Igrave :: KeySym
- xK_Ediaeresis :: KeySym
- xK_Ecircumflex :: KeySym
- xK_Eacute :: KeySym
- xK_Egrave :: KeySym
- xK_Ccedilla :: KeySym
- xK_AE :: KeySym
- xK_Aring :: KeySym
- xK_Adiaeresis :: KeySym
- xK_Atilde :: KeySym
- xK_Acircumflex :: KeySym
- xK_Aacute :: KeySym
- xK_Agrave :: KeySym
- xK_questiondown :: KeySym
- xK_threequarters :: KeySym
- xK_onehalf :: KeySym
- xK_onequarter :: KeySym
- xK_guillemotright :: KeySym
- xK_masculine :: KeySym
- xK_onesuperior :: KeySym
- xK_cedilla :: KeySym
- xK_periodcentered :: KeySym
- xK_paragraph :: KeySym
- xK_mu :: KeySym
- xK_acute :: KeySym
- xK_threesuperior :: KeySym
- xK_twosuperior :: KeySym
- xK_plusminus :: KeySym
- xK_degree :: KeySym
- xK_macron :: KeySym
- xK_registered :: KeySym
- xK_hyphen :: KeySym
- xK_notsign :: KeySym
- xK_guillemotleft :: KeySym
- xK_ordfeminine :: KeySym
- xK_copyright :: KeySym
- xK_diaeresis :: KeySym
- xK_section :: KeySym
- xK_brokenbar :: KeySym
- xK_yen :: KeySym
- xK_currency :: KeySym
- xK_sterling :: KeySym
- xK_cent :: KeySym
- xK_exclamdown :: KeySym
- xK_nobreakspace :: KeySym
- xK_asciitilde :: KeySym
- xK_braceright :: KeySym
- xK_bar :: KeySym
- xK_braceleft :: KeySym
- xK_z :: KeySym
- xK_y :: KeySym
- xK_x :: KeySym
- xK_w :: KeySym
- xK_v :: KeySym
- xK_u :: KeySym
- xK_t :: KeySym
- xK_s :: KeySym
- xK_r :: KeySym
- xK_q :: KeySym
- xK_p :: KeySym
- xK_o :: KeySym
- xK_n :: KeySym
- xK_m :: KeySym
- xK_l :: KeySym
- xK_k :: KeySym
- xK_j :: KeySym
- xK_i :: KeySym
- xK_h :: KeySym
- xK_g :: KeySym
- xK_f :: KeySym
- xK_e :: KeySym
- xK_d :: KeySym
- xK_c :: KeySym
- xK_b :: KeySym
- xK_a :: KeySym
- xK_quoteleft :: KeySym
- xK_grave :: KeySym
- xK_underscore :: KeySym
- xK_asciicircum :: KeySym
- xK_bracketright :: KeySym
- xK_backslash :: KeySym
- xK_bracketleft :: KeySym
- xK_Z :: KeySym
- xK_Y :: KeySym
- xK_X :: KeySym
- xK_W :: KeySym
- xK_V :: KeySym
- xK_U :: KeySym
- xK_T :: KeySym
- xK_S :: KeySym
- xK_R :: KeySym
- xK_Q :: KeySym
- xK_P :: KeySym
- xK_O :: KeySym
- xK_N :: KeySym
- xK_M :: KeySym
- xK_L :: KeySym
- xK_K :: KeySym
- xK_J :: KeySym
- xK_I :: KeySym
- xK_H :: KeySym
- xK_G :: KeySym
- xK_F :: KeySym
- xK_E :: KeySym
- xK_D :: KeySym
- xK_C :: KeySym
- xK_B :: KeySym
- xK_A :: KeySym
- xK_at :: KeySym
- xK_question :: KeySym
- xK_greater :: KeySym
- xK_equal :: KeySym
- xK_less :: KeySym
- xK_semicolon :: KeySym
- xK_colon :: KeySym
- xK_9 :: KeySym
- xK_8 :: KeySym
- xK_7 :: KeySym
- xK_6 :: KeySym
- xK_5 :: KeySym
- xK_4 :: KeySym
- xK_3 :: KeySym
- xK_2 :: KeySym
- xK_1 :: KeySym
- xK_0 :: KeySym
- xK_slash :: KeySym
- xK_period :: KeySym
- xK_minus :: KeySym
- xK_comma :: KeySym
- xK_plus :: KeySym
- xK_asterisk :: KeySym
- xK_parenright :: KeySym
- xK_parenleft :: KeySym
- xK_quoteright :: KeySym
- xK_apostrophe :: KeySym
- xK_ampersand :: KeySym
- xK_percent :: KeySym
- xK_dollar :: KeySym
- xK_numbersign :: KeySym
- xK_quotedbl :: KeySym
- xK_exclam :: KeySym
- xK_space :: KeySym
- xK_Hyper_R :: KeySym
- xK_Hyper_L :: KeySym
- xK_Super_R :: KeySym
- xK_Super_L :: KeySym
- xK_Alt_R :: KeySym
- xK_Alt_L :: KeySym
- xK_Meta_R :: KeySym
- xK_Meta_L :: KeySym
- xK_Shift_Lock :: KeySym
- xK_Caps_Lock :: KeySym
- xK_Control_R :: KeySym
- xK_Control_L :: KeySym
- xK_Shift_R :: KeySym
- xK_Shift_L :: KeySym
- xK_R15 :: KeySym
- xK_F35 :: KeySym
- xK_R14 :: KeySym
- xK_F34 :: KeySym
- xK_R13 :: KeySym
- xK_F33 :: KeySym
- xK_R12 :: KeySym
- xK_F32 :: KeySym
- xK_R11 :: KeySym
- xK_F31 :: KeySym
- xK_R10 :: KeySym
- xK_F30 :: KeySym
- xK_R9 :: KeySym
- xK_F29 :: KeySym
- xK_R8 :: KeySym
- xK_F28 :: KeySym
- xK_R7 :: KeySym
- xK_F27 :: KeySym
- xK_R6 :: KeySym
- xK_F26 :: KeySym
- xK_R5 :: KeySym
- xK_F25 :: KeySym
- xK_R4 :: KeySym
- xK_F24 :: KeySym
- xK_R3 :: KeySym
- xK_F23 :: KeySym
- xK_R2 :: KeySym
- xK_F22 :: KeySym
- xK_R1 :: KeySym
- xK_F21 :: KeySym
- xK_L10 :: KeySym
- xK_F20 :: KeySym
- xK_L9 :: KeySym
- xK_F19 :: KeySym
- xK_L8 :: KeySym
- xK_F18 :: KeySym
- xK_L7 :: KeySym
- xK_F17 :: KeySym
- xK_L6 :: KeySym
- xK_F16 :: KeySym
- xK_L5 :: KeySym
- xK_F15 :: KeySym
- xK_L4 :: KeySym
- xK_F14 :: KeySym
- xK_L3 :: KeySym
- xK_F13 :: KeySym
- xK_L2 :: KeySym
- xK_F12 :: KeySym
- xK_L1 :: KeySym
- xK_F11 :: KeySym
- xK_F10 :: KeySym
- xK_F9 :: KeySym
- xK_F8 :: KeySym
- xK_F7 :: KeySym
- xK_F6 :: KeySym
- xK_F5 :: KeySym
- xK_F4 :: KeySym
- xK_F3 :: KeySym
- xK_F2 :: KeySym
- xK_F1 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_9 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_8 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_7 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_6 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_5 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_4 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_3 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_2 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_1 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_0 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Divide :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Decimal :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Subtract :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Separator :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Add :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Multiply :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Equal :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Delete :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Insert :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Begin :: KeySym
- xK_KP_End :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Page_Down :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Next :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Page_Up :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Prior :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Down :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Right :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Up :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Left :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Home :: KeySym
- xK_KP_F4 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_F3 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_F2 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_F1 :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Enter :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Tab :: KeySym
- xK_KP_Space :: KeySym
- xK_Num_Lock :: KeySym
- xK_script_switch :: KeySym
- xK_Mode_switch :: KeySym
- xK_Break :: KeySym
- xK_Help :: KeySym
- xK_Cancel :: KeySym
- xK_Find :: KeySym
- xK_Menu :: KeySym
- xK_Redo :: KeySym
- xK_Undo :: KeySym
- xK_Insert :: KeySym
- xK_Execute :: KeySym
- xK_Print :: KeySym
- xK_Select :: KeySym
- xK_Begin :: KeySym
- xK_End :: KeySym
- xK_Page_Down :: KeySym
- xK_Next :: KeySym
- xK_Page_Up :: KeySym
- xK_Prior :: KeySym
- xK_Down :: KeySym
- xK_Right :: KeySym
- xK_Up :: KeySym
- xK_Left :: KeySym
- xK_Home :: KeySym
- xK_PreviousCandidate :: KeySym
- xK_MultipleCandidate :: KeySym
- xK_SingleCandidate :: KeySym
- xK_Codeinput :: KeySym
- xK_Multi_key :: KeySym
- xK_Delete :: KeySym
- xK_Escape :: KeySym
- xK_Sys_Req :: KeySym
- xK_Scroll_Lock :: KeySym
- xK_Pause :: KeySym
- xK_Return :: KeySym
- xK_Clear :: KeySym
- xK_Linefeed :: KeySym
- xK_Tab :: KeySym
- xK_BackSpace :: KeySym
- xK_VoidSymbol :: KeySym
- type XID = Word64
- type Mask = Word64
- type Atom = Word64
- type VisualID = Word64
- type Time = Word64
- type Window = XID
- type Drawable = XID
- type Font = XID
- type Pixmap = XID
- type Cursor = XID
- type Colormap = XID
- type GContext = XID
- type KeyCode = Word8
- type KeySym = XID
- type EventMask = Mask
- type EventType = Word32
- type Modifier = CUInt
- type KeyMask = Modifier
- type ButtonMask = Modifier
- type Button = Word32
- type NotifyMode = CInt
- type NotifyDetail = CInt
- type Visibility = CInt
- type Place = CInt
- type Protocol = CInt
- type PropertyNotification = CInt
- type ColormapNotification = CInt
- type GrabMode = CInt
- type GrabStatus = CInt
- type AllowEvents = CInt
- type FocusMode = CInt
- type ErrorCode = CInt
- type Status = CInt
- type WindowClass = CInt
- type AttributeMask = Mask
- type CloseDownMode = CInt
- type QueryBestSizeClass = CInt
- type GXFunction = CInt
- type LineStyle = CInt
- type CapStyle = CInt
- type JoinStyle = CInt
- type FillStyle = CInt
- type FillRule = CInt
- type SubWindowMode = CInt
- type CoordinateMode = CInt
- type PolygonShape = CInt
- type ArcMode = CInt
- type GCMask = CInt
- type CirculationDirection = CInt
- type ByteOrder = CInt
- type ColormapAlloc = CInt
- type MappingRequest = CInt
- type ChangeSaveSetMode = CInt
- type BitGravity = CInt
- type WindowGravity = CInt
- type BackingStore = CInt
- type FontDirection = CInt
- type ImageFormat = CInt
- type Rotation = Word16
- type Reflection = Word16
- type SizeID = Word16
- type SubpixelOrder = Word16
- type Connection = Word16
- type RROutput = Word64
- type RRCrtc = Word64
- type RRMode = Word64
- type XRRModeFlags = Word64
- class Monad m => MonadIO (m :: Type -> Type) where
- (.|.) :: Bits a => a -> a -> a
- class Default a where
- def :: a
- class Monad m => MonadState s (m :: Type -> Type) | m -> s where
- modify :: MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m ()
- gets :: MonadState s m => (s -> a) -> m a
- class Monad m => MonadReader r (m :: Type -> Type) | m -> r where
- asks :: MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a
- launch :: forall (l :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type). (LayoutClass l Window, Read (l Window)) => XConfig l -> Directories -> IO ()
- buildLaunch :: Directories -> IO ()
- defaultConfig :: XConfig (Choose Tall (Choose (Mirror Tall) Full))
- doShift :: WorkspaceId -> ManageHook
- doIgnore :: ManageHook
- doFloat :: ManageHook
- doF :: (s -> s) -> Query (Endo s)
- willFloat :: Query Bool
- getStringProperty :: Display -> Window -> String -> X (Maybe String)
- stringProperty :: String -> Query String
- className :: Query String
- resource :: Query String
- appName :: Query String
- title :: Query String
- (<||>) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
- (<&&>) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
- (=?) :: Eq a => Query a -> a -> Query Bool
- (-->) :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => m Bool -> m a -> m a
- composeAll :: Monoid m => [m] -> m
- (<+>) :: Monoid m => m -> m -> m
- idHook :: Monoid m => m
- liftX :: X a -> Query a
- applyMaxSizeHint :: D -> D -> D
- applyResizeIncHint :: D -> D -> D
- applyAspectHint :: (D, D) -> D -> D
- applySizeHints' :: SizeHints -> D -> D
- applySizeHintsContents :: Integral a => SizeHints -> (a, a) -> D
- applySizeHints :: Integral a => Dimension -> SizeHints -> (a, a) -> D
- mkAdjust :: Window -> X (D -> D)
- mouseResizeWindow :: Window -> X ()
- mouseMoveWindow :: Window -> X ()
- mouseDrag :: (Position -> Position -> X ()) -> X () -> X ()
- float :: Window -> X ()
- pointWithin :: Position -> Position -> Rectangle -> Bool
- pointScreen :: Position -> Position -> X (Maybe (Screen WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window ScreenId ScreenDetail))
- floatLocation :: Window -> X (ScreenId, RationalRect)
- restart :: String -> Bool -> X ()
- readStateFile :: forall (l :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type). (LayoutClass l Window, Read (l Window)) => XConfig l -> X (Maybe XState)
- writeStateToFile :: X ()
- initColor :: Display -> String -> IO (Maybe Pixel)
- cleanMask :: KeyMask -> X KeyMask
- extraModifiers :: X [KeyMask]
- isClient :: Window -> X Bool
- withUnfocused :: (Window -> X ()) -> X ()
- withFocused :: (Window -> X ()) -> X ()
- screenWorkspace :: ScreenId -> X (Maybe WorkspaceId)
- sendReplace :: IO ()
- sendRestart :: IO ()
- setLayout :: Layout Window -> X ()
- updateLayout :: WorkspaceId -> Maybe (Layout Window) -> X ()
- sendMessageWithNoRefresh :: Message a => a -> WindowSpace -> X ()
- broadcastMessage :: Message a => a -> X ()
- sendMessage :: Message a => a -> X ()
- unGrab :: X ()
- mkGrabs :: [(KeyMask, KeySym)] -> X [(KeyMask, KeyCode)]
- cacheNumlockMask :: X ()
- setFocusX :: Window -> X ()
- focus :: Window -> X ()
- setTopFocus :: X ()
- setButtonGrab :: Bool -> Window -> X ()
- rescreen :: X ()
- getCleanedScreenInfo :: MonadIO m => Display -> m [Rectangle]
- nubScreens :: [Rectangle] -> [Rectangle]
- containedIn :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Bool
- tileWindow :: Window -> Rectangle -> X ()
- clearEvents :: EventMask -> X ()
- refresh :: X ()
- setInitialProperties :: Window -> X ()
- reveal :: Window -> X ()
- hide :: Window -> X ()
- setWindowBorderWithFallback :: Display -> Window -> String -> Pixel -> X ()
- setWMState :: Window -> Int -> X ()
- scaleRationalRect :: Rectangle -> RationalRect -> Rectangle
- windowBracket_ :: X Any -> X ()
- windowBracket :: (a -> Bool) -> X a -> X a
- modifyWindowSet :: (WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> X ()
- windows :: (WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> X ()
- kill :: X ()
- killWindow :: Window -> X ()
- unmanage :: Window -> X ()
- manage :: Window -> X ()
- isFixedSizeOrTransient :: Display -> Window -> X Bool
- data StateFile = StateFile {
- sfWins :: StackSet WorkspaceId String Window ScreenId ScreenDetail
- sfExt :: [(String, String)]
- type D = (Dimension, Dimension)
- (|||) :: l a -> r a -> Choose l r a
- mirrorRect :: Rectangle -> Rectangle
- splitVerticallyBy :: RealFrac r => r -> Rectangle -> (Rectangle, Rectangle)
- splitHorizontallyBy :: RealFrac r => r -> Rectangle -> (Rectangle, Rectangle)
- splitHorizontally :: Int -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle]
- splitVertically :: Int -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle]
- tile :: Rational -> Rectangle -> Int -> Int -> [Rectangle]
- data Resize
- newtype IncMasterN = IncMasterN Int
- data Full a = Full
- data Tall a = Tall {
- tallNMaster :: !Int
- tallRatioIncrement :: !Rational
- tallRatio :: !Rational
- newtype Mirror (l :: Type -> Type) a = Mirror (l a)
- data ChangeLayout
- newtype JumpToLayout = JumpToLayout String
- data Choose (l :: Type -> Type) (r :: Type -> Type) a = Choose CLR (l a) (r a)
- data CLR
- uninstallSignalHandlers :: MonadIO m => m ()
- installSignalHandlers :: MonadIO m => m ()
- trace :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
- whenX :: X Bool -> X () -> X ()
- whenJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
- recompile :: MonadIO m => Directories -> Bool -> m Bool
- stateFileName :: Directories -> FilePath
- binFileName :: Directories -> FilePath
- getXMonadDataDir :: X String
- getXMonadCacheDir :: X String
- getXMonadDir :: X String
- getDirectories :: IO Directories
- runOnWorkspaces :: (WindowSpace -> X WindowSpace) -> X ()
- xmessage :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
- xfork :: MonadIO m => IO () -> m ProcessID
- spawnPID :: MonadIO m => String -> m ProcessID
- spawn :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
- catchIO :: MonadIO m => IO () -> m ()
- io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
- ifM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a
- fromMessage :: Message m => SomeMessage -> Maybe m
- readsLayout :: Layout a -> String -> [(Layout a, String)]
- atom_WM_TAKE_FOCUS :: X Atom
- atom_WM_STATE :: X Atom
- atom_WM_DELETE_WINDOW :: X Atom
- atom_WM_PROTOCOLS :: X Atom
- getAtom :: String -> X Atom
- isRoot :: Window -> X Bool
- withWindowAttributes :: Display -> Window -> (WindowAttributes -> X ()) -> X ()
- withWindowSet :: (WindowSet -> X a) -> X a
- withDisplay :: (Display -> X a) -> X a
- userCodeDef :: a -> X a -> X a
- userCode :: X a -> X (Maybe a)
- catchX :: X a -> X a -> X a
- runX :: XConf -> XState -> X a -> IO (a, XState)
- runQuery :: Query a -> Window -> X a
- data XState = XState {}
- data XConf = XConf {
- display :: Display
- config :: !(XConfig Layout)
- theRoot :: !Window
- normalBorder :: !Pixel
- focusedBorder :: !Pixel
- keyActions :: !(Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ()))
- buttonActions :: !(Map (KeyMask, Button) (Window -> X ()))
- mouseFocused :: !Bool
- mousePosition :: !(Maybe (Position, Position))
- currentEvent :: !(Maybe Event)
- directories :: !Directories
- data XConfig (l :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type) = XConfig !String !String !String !(l Window) !ManageHook !(Event -> X All) ![String] !KeyMask !(XConfig Layout -> Map (ButtonMask, KeySym) (X ())) !(XConfig Layout -> Map (ButtonMask, Button) (Window -> X ())) !Dimension !(X ()) !(X ()) !Bool !Bool !EventMask !EventMask !([String] -> XConfig Layout -> IO (XConfig Layout)) !(Map TypeRep ConfExtension)
- type WindowSet = StackSet WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window ScreenId ScreenDetail
- type WindowSpace = Workspace WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window
- type WorkspaceId = String
- newtype ScreenId = S Int
- newtype ScreenDetail = SD {}
- data X a
- type ManageHook = Query (Endo WindowSet)
- newtype Query a = Query (ReaderT Window X a)
- data Layout a = (LayoutClass l a, Read (l a)) => Layout (l a)
- class (Show (layout a), Typeable layout) => LayoutClass (layout :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type) a where
- runLayout :: Workspace WorkspaceId (layout a) a -> Rectangle -> X ([(a, Rectangle)], Maybe (layout a))
- doLayout :: layout a -> Rectangle -> Stack a -> X ([(a, Rectangle)], Maybe (layout a))
- pureLayout :: layout a -> Rectangle -> Stack a -> [(a, Rectangle)]
- emptyLayout :: layout a -> Rectangle -> X ([(a, Rectangle)], Maybe (layout a))
- handleMessage :: layout a -> SomeMessage -> X (Maybe (layout a))
- pureMessage :: layout a -> SomeMessage -> Maybe (layout a)
- description :: layout a -> String
- class Typeable a => Message a
- data SomeMessage = Message a => SomeMessage a
- data LayoutMessages
- class Typeable a => ExtensionClass a where
- initialValue :: a
- extensionType :: a -> StateExtension
- data StateExtension
- = ExtensionClass a => StateExtension a
- | (Read a, Show a, ExtensionClass a) => PersistentExtension a
- data ConfExtension = Typeable a => ConfExtension a
- data Directories' a = Directories {}
- type Directories = Directories' FilePath
- (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
- seq :: forall {r :: RuntimeRep} a (b :: TYPE r). a -> b -> b
- filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
- zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
- print :: Show a => a -> IO ()
- fst :: (a, b) -> a
- snd :: (a, b) -> b
- otherwise :: Bool
- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
- ($) :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) a (b :: TYPE r). (a -> b) -> a -> b
- fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
- realToFrac :: (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
- class Bounded a where
- class Enum a where
- succ :: a -> a
- pred :: a -> a
- toEnum :: Int -> a
- fromEnum :: a -> Int
- enumFrom :: a -> [a]
- enumFromThen :: a -> a -> [a]
- enumFromTo :: a -> a -> [a]
- enumFromThenTo :: a -> a -> a -> [a]
- class Eq a where
- class Fractional a => Floating a where
- class Num a => Fractional a where
- (/) :: a -> a -> a
- recip :: a -> a
- fromRational :: Rational -> a
- class (Real a, Enum a) => Integral a where
- class Applicative m => Monad (m :: Type -> Type) where
- class Functor (f :: Type -> Type) where
- class Num a where
- class Eq a => Ord a where
- class Read a where
- class (Num a, Ord a) => Real a where
- toRational :: a -> Rational
- class (RealFrac a, Floating a) => RealFloat a where
- floatRadix :: a -> Integer
- floatDigits :: a -> Int
- floatRange :: a -> (Int, Int)
- decodeFloat :: a -> (Integer, Int)
- encodeFloat :: Integer -> Int -> a
- exponent :: a -> Int
- significand :: a -> a
- scaleFloat :: Int -> a -> a
- isNaN :: a -> Bool
- isInfinite :: a -> Bool
- isDenormalized :: a -> Bool
- isNegativeZero :: a -> Bool
- isIEEE :: a -> Bool
- atan2 :: a -> a -> a
- class (Real a, Fractional a) => RealFrac a where
- class Show a where
- class Monad m => MonadFail (m :: Type -> Type) where
- class Functor f => Applicative (f :: Type -> Type) where
- class Foldable (t :: TYPE LiftedRep -> Type) where
- foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
- foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
- foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
- foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
- foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
- null :: t a -> Bool
- length :: t a -> Int
- elem :: Eq a => a -> t a -> Bool
- maximum :: Ord a => t a -> a
- minimum :: Ord a => t a -> a
- sum :: Num a => t a -> a
- product :: Num a => t a -> a
- class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Traversable (t :: Type -> Type) where
- traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
- sequenceA :: Applicative f => t (f a) -> f (t a)
- mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
- sequence :: Monad m => t (m a) -> m (t a)
- class Semigroup a where
- (<>) :: a -> a -> a
- class Semigroup a => Monoid a where
- data Bool
- type String = [Char]
- data Char
- data Double
- data Float
- data Int
- data Integer
- data Maybe a
- data Ordering
- type Rational = Ratio Integer
- data IO a
- data Word
- data Either a b
- writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
- readLn :: Read a => IO a
- readIO :: Read a => String -> IO a
- readFile :: FilePath -> IO String
- putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
- putStr :: String -> IO ()
- putChar :: Char -> IO ()
- interact :: (String -> String) -> IO ()
- getLine :: IO String
- getContents :: IO String
- getChar :: IO Char
- appendFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
- ioError :: IOError -> IO a
- type FilePath = String
- type IOError = IOException
- userError :: String -> IOError
- sequence_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m ()
- or :: Foldable t => t Bool -> Bool
- notElem :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool
- mapM_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
- concatMap :: Foldable t => (a -> [b]) -> t a -> [b]
- concat :: Foldable t => t [a] -> [a]
- any :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
- and :: Foldable t => t Bool -> Bool
- all :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
- words :: String -> [String]
- unwords :: [String] -> String
- unlines :: [String] -> String
- lines :: String -> [String]
- reads :: Read a => ReadS a
- read :: Read a => String -> a
- either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
- readParen :: Bool -> ReadS a -> ReadS a
- lex :: ReadS String
- type ReadS a = String -> [(a, String)]
- odd :: Integral a => a -> Bool
- lcm :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
- gcd :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
- even :: Integral a => a -> Bool
- (^^) :: (Fractional a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
- (^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
- type ShowS = String -> String
- shows :: Show a => a -> ShowS
- showString :: String -> ShowS
- showParen :: Bool -> ShowS -> ShowS
- showChar :: Char -> ShowS
- zipWith3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d]
- zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
- zip3 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [(a, b, c)]
- unzip3 :: [(a, b, c)] -> ([a], [b], [c])
- unzip :: [(a, b)] -> ([a], [b])
- takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
- take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
- tail :: [a] -> [a]
- splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
- span :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
- scanr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
- scanr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
- scanl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
- scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
- reverse :: [a] -> [a]
- replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
- repeat :: a -> [a]
- lookup :: Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
- last :: [a] -> a
- iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
- init :: [a] -> [a]
- head :: [a] -> a
- dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
- drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
- cycle :: [a] -> [a]
- break :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
- (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a
- maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
- (<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
- uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
- curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
- subtract :: Num a => a -> a -> a
- until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
- id :: a -> a
- flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
- const :: a -> b -> a
- asTypeOf :: a -> a -> a
- (=<<) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
- (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
- ($!) :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) a (b :: TYPE r). (a -> b) -> a -> b
- undefined :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r). HasCallStack => a
- errorWithoutStackTrace :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r). [Char] -> a
- error :: forall (r :: RuntimeRep) (a :: TYPE r). HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
- (&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
- not :: Bool -> Bool
- (||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
- type Prime l l' = Arr (XConfig l) (XConfig l')
- type Arr x y = x -> IO y
- (>>) :: Arr x y -> Arr y z -> Arr x z
- ifThenElse :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
Start here
To start with, create a xmonad.hs
that looks like this:
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-} import XMonad.Config.Prime -- Imports go here. main = xmonad $ do nothing -- Configs go here.
This will give you a default xmonad install, with room to grow. The lines starting with double dashes are comments. You may delete them. Note that Haskell is a bit precise about indentation. Make sure all the statements in your do-block start at the same column, and make sure that any multi-line statements are formatted with a hanging indent. (For an example, see the 'keys =+' statement in the Example config section, below.)
After changing your config file, restart xmonad with mod-q (where, by default, "mod" == "alt").
xmonad :: (Default a, Read (l Window), LayoutClass l Window) => (a -> IO (XConfig l)) -> IO () Source #
This doesn't modify the config in any way. It's just here for your initial config because Haskell doesn't allow empty do-blocks. Feel free to delete it once you've added other stuff.
Attributes you can set
These are a bunch of attributes that you can set. Syntax looks like this:
terminal =: "urxvt"
Strings are double quoted, Dimensions are unquoted integers, booleans are
or False
(case-sensitive), and modMask
is usually mod1Mask
normalBorderColor :: Settable String (XConfig l) Source #
Non-focused windows border color. Default: "#dddddd"
focusedBorderColor :: Settable String (XConfig l) Source #
Focused windows border color. Default: "#ff0000"
terminal :: Settable String (XConfig l) Source #
The preferred terminal application. Default: "xterm"
modMask :: Settable KeyMask (XConfig l) Source #
The mod modifier, as used by key bindings. Default: mod1Mask
(which is
probably alt on your computer).
borderWidth :: Settable Dimension (XConfig l) Source #
The border width (in pixels). Default: 1
focusFollowsMouse :: Settable Bool (XConfig l) Source #
Whether window focus follows the mouse cursor on move, or requires a mouse
click. (Mouse? What's that?) Default: True
clickJustFocuses :: Settable Bool (XConfig l) Source #
If True, a mouse click on an inactive window focuses it, but the click is
not passed to the window. If False, the click is also passed to the window.
Default True
class SettableClass s x y | s -> x y where Source #
UpdateableClass s x y => SettableClass s x y Source # | |
Defined in XMonad.Config.Prime |
class UpdateableClass s x y | s -> x y where Source #
Attributes you can add to
In addition to being able to set these attributes, they have a special
syntax for being able to add to them. The operator is =+
(the plus comes
after the equals), but each attribute has a different syntax for what
comes after the operator.
manageHook :: Summable ManageHook ManageHook (XConfig l) Source #
The action to run when a new window is opened. Default:
manageHook =: composeAll [className =? "MPlayer" --> doFloat, className =? "Gimp" --> doFloat]
To add more rules to this list, you can say, for instance:
import XMonad.StackSet ... manageHook =+ (className =? "Emacs" --> doF kill) manageHook =+ (className =? "Vim" --> doF shiftMaster)
Note that operator precedence mandates the parentheses here.
handleEventHook :: Summable (Event -> X All) (Event -> X All) (XConfig l) Source #
Custom X event handler. Return All True
if the default handler should
also be run afterwards. Default does nothing. To add an event handler:
import XMonad.Hooks.ServerMode ... handleEventHook =+ serverModeEventHook
workspaces :: Summable [String] [String] (XConfig l) Source #
List of workspaces' names. Default: map show [1 .. 9 :: Int]
. Adding
appends to the end:
workspaces =+ ["0"]
This is useless unless you also create keybindings for this.
logHook :: Summable (X ()) (X ()) (XConfig l) Source #
The action to perform when the windows set is changed. This happens
whenever focus change, a window is moved, etc. logHook =+
takes an X ()
and appends it via (>>)
. For instance:
import XMonad.Hooks.ICCCMFocus ... logHook =+ takeTopFocus
Note that if your expression is parametrically typed (e.g. of type
MonadIO m => m ()
), you'll need to explicitly annotate it, like so:
logHook =+ (io $ putStrLn "Hello, world!" :: X ())
startupHook :: Summable (X ()) (X ()) (XConfig l) Source #
The action to perform on startup. startupHook =+
takes an X ()
appends it via (>>)
. For instance:
import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName ... startupHook =+ setWMName "LG3D"
Note that if your expression is parametrically typed (e.g. of type
MonadIO m => m ()
), you'll need to explicitly annotate it, as documented
in logHook
clientMask :: Summable EventMask EventMask (XConfig l) Source #
The client events that xmonad is interested in. This is useful in
combination with handleEventHook. Default: structureNotifyMask .|.
enterWindowMask .|. propertyChangeMask
clientMask =+ keyPressMask .|. keyReleaseMask
rootMask :: Summable EventMask EventMask (XConfig l) Source #
The root events that xmonad is interested in. This is useful in
combination with handleEventHook. Default: substructureRedirectMask .|.
substructureNotifyMask .|. enterWindowMask .|. leaveWindowMask .|.
structureNotifyMask .|. buttonPressMask
class SummableClass s y | s -> y where Source #
Attributes you can add to or remove from
The following support the the =+
for adding items and the =-
for removing items.
mouseBindings :: MouseBindings (XConfig l) Source #
Mouse button bindings to an X
actions on a window. Default: see `man
. To make mod-<scrollwheel>
switch workspaces:
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS (nextWS, prevWS) ... mouseBindings =+ [((mod4Mask, button4), const prevWS), ((mod4Mask, button5), const nextWS)]
Note that you need to specify the numbered mod-mask e.g. mod4Mask
of just modMask
class RemovableClass r y | r -> y where Source #
Modifying the list of workspaces
Workspaces can be configured through workspaces
, but then the keys
to be set, and this can be a bit laborious. withWorkspaces
provides a
convenient mechanism for common workspace updates.
withWorkspaces :: Arr WorkspaceConfig WorkspaceConfig -> Prime l l Source #
Configure workspaces through a Prime-like interface. Example:
withWorkspaces $ do wsKeys =+ ["0"] wsActions =+ [("M-M1-", windows . swapWithCurrent)] wsSetName 1 "mail"
This will set workspaces
and add the necessary keybindings to keys
. Note
that it won't remove old keybindings; it's just not that clever.
wsNames :: Settable [String] WorkspaceConfig Source #
The list of workspace names, like workspaces
but with two differences:
- If any entry is the empty string, it'll be replaced with the
corresponding entry in
. - The list is truncated to the size of
The default value is
If you'd like to create workspaces without associated keyspecs, you can do
that afterwards, outside the withWorkspaces
block, with
wsKeys :: Summable [String] [String] WorkspaceConfig Source #
The list of workspace keys. These are combined with the modifiers in
to form the keybindings for navigating to workspaces. Default:
wsActions :: Summable [(String, String -> X ())] [(String, String -> X ())] WorkspaceConfig Source #
Mapping from key prefix to command. Its type is [(String, String ->
. The key prefix may be a modifier such as "M-"
, or a submap
prefix such as "M-a "
, or both, as in "M-a M-"
. The command is a
function that takes a workspace name and returns an X ()
. withWorkspaces
creates keybindings for the cartesian product of wsKeys
and wsActions
[("M-", windows . W.greedyView), ("M-S-", windows . W.shift)]
wsSetName :: Int -> String -> Arr WorkspaceConfig WorkspaceConfig Source #
A convenience for just modifying one entry in wsNames
, in case you only
want a few named workspaces. Example:
wsSetName 1 "mail" wsSetName 2 "web"
Modifying the screen keybindings
provides a convenient mechanism to set keybindings for moving
between screens, much like withWorkspaces
withScreens :: Arr ScreenConfig ScreenConfig -> Prime l l Source #
Configure screen keys through a Prime-like interface:
withScreens $ do sKeys =: ["e", "r"]
This will add the necessary keybindings to keys
. Note that it won't remove
old keybindings; it's just not that clever.
sKeys :: Summable [String] [String] ScreenConfig Source #
The list of screen keys. These are combined with the modifiers in
to form the keybindings for navigating to workspaces. Default:
sActions :: Summable [(String, ScreenId -> X ())] [(String, ScreenId -> X ())] ScreenConfig Source #
Mapping from key prefix to command. Its type is [(String, ScreenId ->
. Works the same as wsActions
except for a different function type.
[("M-", windows . onScreens W.view), ("M-S-", windows . onScreens W.shift)]
onScreens :: Eq s => (i -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd) -> s -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd Source #
Converts a stackset transformer parameterized on the workspace type into one
parameterized on the screen type. For example, you can use onScreens W.view
to navigate to the workspace on the 0th screen. If the screen id is not
recognized, the returned transformer acts as an identity function.
Modifying the layoutHook
Layouts are special. You can't modify them using the =:
or =.
You need to use the following functions.
addLayout :: (LayoutClass l Window, LayoutClass r Window) => r Window -> Prime l (Choose l r) Source #
Add a layout to the list of layouts choosable with mod-space. For instance:
import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed ... addLayout simpleTabbed
resetLayout :: LayoutClass r Window => r Window -> Prime l r Source #
Reset the layoutHook from scratch. For instance, to get rid of the wide layout:
resetLayout $ Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2) ||| Full
(The dollar is like an auto-closing parenthesis, so all the stuff to the right of it is treated like an argument to resetLayout.)
modifyLayout :: LayoutClass r Window => (l Window -> r Window) -> Prime l r Source #
Modify your layoutHook
with some wrapper function. You probably want to call
this after you're done calling addLayout
. Example:
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders ... modifyLayout smartBorders
Updating the XConfig en masse
Finally, there are a few contrib modules that bundle multiple attribute updates together. There are three types: 1) wholesale replacements for the default config, 2) pure functions on the config, and 3) IO actions on the config. The syntax for each is different. Examples:
1) To start with a gnomeConfig
instead of the default,
we use startWith
import XMonad.Config.Gnome ... startWith gnomeConfig
2) withUrgencyHook
is a pure function, so we need
to use apply
import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook ... apply $ withUrgencyHook dzenUrgencyHook
3) xmobar
returns an IO (XConfig l)
, so we need
to use applyIO
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog ... applyIO xmobar
startWith :: XConfig l' -> Prime l l' Source #
Replace the current XConfig
with the given one. If you use this, you
probably want it to be the first line of your config.
The rest of the world
Everything you know and love from the core XMonad module is available for use in your config file, too.
The class Typeable
allows a concrete representation of a type to
be calculated.
getErrorEvent :: XErrorEventPtr -> IO ErrorEvent #
Retrieves error event data from a pointer to an XErrorEvent and puts it into an ErrorEvent.
setErrorHandler :: XErrorHandler -> IO () #
A binding to XSetErrorHandler. NOTE: This is pretty experimental because of safe vs. unsafe calls. I changed sync to a safe call, but there *might* be other calls that cause a problem
urgencyHintBit :: Int #
iconMaskHintBit :: Int #
stateHintBit :: Int #
inputHintBit :: Int #
iconicState :: Int #
normalState :: Int #
withdrawnState :: Int #
setClassHint :: Display -> Window -> ClassHint -> IO () #
Set the WM_CLASS
property for the given window.
pWinGravityBit :: Int #
pBaseSizeBit :: Int #
pAspectBit :: Int #
pResizeIncBit :: Int #
pMaxSizeBit :: Int #
pMinSizeBit :: Int #
unmapWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
propModeAppend :: CInt #
propModePrepend :: CInt #
propModeReplace :: CInt #
anyPropertyType :: Atom #
refreshKeyboardMapping :: Event -> IO () #
refreshKeyboardMapping. TODO Remove this binding when the fix has been commited to X11
setConfigureEvent :: XEventPtr -> Window -> Window -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Window -> Bool -> IO () #
setEventType :: XEventPtr -> EventType -> IO () #
getWMProtocols :: Display -> Window -> IO [Atom] #
The XGetWMProtocols function returns the list of atoms stored in the WM_PROTOCOLS property on the specified window. These atoms describe window manager protocols in which the owner of this window is willing to participate. If the property exists, is of type ATOM, is of format 32, and the atom WM_PROTOCOLS can be interned, XGetWMProtocols sets the protocols_return argument to a list of atoms, sets the count_return argument to the number of elements in the list, and returns a nonzero status. Otherwise, it sets neither of the return arguments and returns a zero status. To release the list of atoms, use XFree.
wcTextEscapement :: FontSet -> String -> Int32 #
wcDrawImageString :: Display -> Drawable -> FontSet -> GC -> Position -> Position -> String -> IO () #
wcTextPropertyToTextList :: Display -> TextProperty -> IO [String] #
getTextProperty :: Display -> Window -> Atom -> IO TextProperty #
withServer :: Display -> IO () -> IO () #
Run an action with the server
getWindowAttributes :: Display -> Window -> IO WindowAttributes #
waIsViewable :: CInt #
waIsUnviewable :: CInt #
waIsUnmapped :: CInt #
configureWindow :: Display -> Window -> CULong -> WindowChanges -> IO () #
currentTime :: Time #
eventTable :: [(EventType, String)] #
xConfigureWindow :: Display -> Window -> CULong -> Ptr WindowChanges -> IO CInt #
xQueryTree :: Display -> Window -> Ptr Window -> Ptr Window -> Ptr (Ptr Window) -> Ptr CInt -> IO Status #
xGetWindowAttributes :: Display -> Window -> Ptr WindowAttributes -> IO Status #
changeWindowAttributes :: Display -> Window -> AttributeMask -> Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XChangeWindowAttributes()
xGetTextProperty :: Display -> Window -> Ptr TextProperty -> Atom -> IO Status #
xwcTextPropertyToTextList :: Display -> Ptr TextProperty -> Ptr (Ptr CWString) -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt #
wcFreeStringList :: Ptr CWString -> IO () #
xCreateFontSet :: Display -> CString -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO (Ptr FontSet) #
freeStringList :: Ptr CString -> IO () #
freeFontSet :: Display -> FontSet -> IO () #
xwcDrawString :: Display -> Drawable -> FontSet -> GC -> Position -> Position -> CWString -> CInt -> IO () #
xwcDrawImageString :: Display -> Drawable -> FontSet -> GC -> Position -> Position -> CWString -> CInt -> IO () #
xSetErrorHandler :: IO () #
xRefreshKeyboardMapping :: Ptr () -> IO CInt #
xChangeProperty :: Display -> Window -> Atom -> Atom -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CUChar -> CInt -> IO Status #
xGetWindowProperty :: Display -> Window -> Atom -> CLong -> CLong -> Bool -> Atom -> Ptr Atom -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr (Ptr CUChar) -> IO Status #
xAllocSizeHints :: IO (Ptr SizeHints) #
xAllocWMHints :: IO (Ptr WMHints) #
isCursorKey :: KeySym -> Bool #
isFunctionKey :: KeySym -> Bool #
isKeypadKey :: KeySym -> Bool #
isMiscFunctionKey :: KeySym -> Bool #
isModifierKey :: KeySym -> Bool #
isPrivateKeypadKey :: KeySym -> Bool #
mkXErrorHandler :: CXErrorHandler -> IO (FunPtr CXErrorHandler) #
xGetModifierMapping :: Display -> IO (Ptr ()) #
data WindowChanges #
WindowChanges | |
Storable WindowChanges | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras sizeOf :: WindowChanges -> Int # alignment :: WindowChanges -> Int # peekElemOff :: Ptr WindowChanges -> Int -> IO WindowChanges # pokeElemOff :: Ptr WindowChanges -> Int -> WindowChanges -> IO () # peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO WindowChanges # pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> WindowChanges -> IO () # peek :: Ptr WindowChanges -> IO WindowChanges # poke :: Ptr WindowChanges -> WindowChanges -> IO () # |
data WindowAttributes #
Storable WindowAttributes | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras sizeOf :: WindowAttributes -> Int # alignment :: WindowAttributes -> Int # peekElemOff :: Ptr WindowAttributes -> Int -> IO WindowAttributes # pokeElemOff :: Ptr WindowAttributes -> Int -> WindowAttributes -> IO () # peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO WindowAttributes # pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> WindowAttributes -> IO () # peek :: Ptr WindowAttributes -> IO WindowAttributes # poke :: Ptr WindowAttributes -> WindowAttributes -> IO () # |
data TextProperty #
Storable TextProperty | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras sizeOf :: TextProperty -> Int # alignment :: TextProperty -> Int # peekElemOff :: Ptr TextProperty -> Int -> IO TextProperty # pokeElemOff :: Ptr TextProperty -> Int -> TextProperty -> IO () # peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO TextProperty # pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> TextProperty -> IO () # peek :: Ptr TextProperty -> IO TextProperty # poke :: Ptr TextProperty -> TextProperty -> IO () # |
SizeHints | |
Storable SizeHints | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras |
WMHints | |
type XErrorEventPtr = Ptr () #
type CXErrorHandler = Display -> XErrorEventPtr -> IO CInt #
type XErrorHandler = Display -> XErrorEventPtr -> IO () #
data ErrorEvent #
ErrorEvent | |
restackWindows :: Display -> [Window] -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XRestackWindows()
withdrawWindow :: Display -> Window -> ScreenNumber -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XWithdrawWindow()
iconifyWindow :: Display -> Window -> ScreenNumber -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XIconifyWindow()
translateCoordinates :: Display -> Window -> Window -> Position -> Position -> IO (Bool, Position, Position, Window) #
interface to the X11 library function XTranslateCoordinates()
storeName :: Display -> Window -> String -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XStoreName()
createSimpleWindow :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> Pixel -> Pixel -> IO Window #
interface to the X11 library function XCreateSimpleWindow()
createWindow :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> CInt -> WindowClass -> Visual -> AttributeMask -> Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> IO Window #
interface to the X11 library function XCreateWindow()
moveResizeWindow :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XMoveResizeWindow()
resizeWindow :: Display -> Window -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XResizeWindow()
moveWindow :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XMoveWindow()
reparentWindow :: Display -> Window -> Window -> Position -> Position -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XReparentWindow()
mapSubwindows :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XMapSubwindows()
unmapSubwindows :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XUnmapSubwindows()
lowerWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XLowerWindow()
raiseWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XRaiseWindow()
circulateSubwindowsDown :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XCirculateSubwindowsDown()
circulateSubwindowsUp :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XCirculateSubwindowsUp()
circulateSubwindows :: Display -> Window -> CirculationDirection -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XCirculateSubwindows()
destroyWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDestroyWindow()
destroySubwindows :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDestroySubwindows()
setWindowBorder :: Display -> Window -> Pixel -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetWindowBorder()
setWindowBorderPixmap :: Display -> Window -> Pixmap -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetWindowBorderPixmap()
setWindowBorderWidth :: Display -> Window -> Dimension -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetWindowBorderWidth()
setWindowBackground :: Display -> Window -> Pixel -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetWindowBackground()
setWindowBackgroundPixmap :: Display -> Window -> Pixmap -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap()
setWindowColormap :: Display -> Window -> Colormap -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetWindowColormap()
addToSaveSet :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XAddToSaveSet()
removeFromSaveSet :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XRemoveFromSaveSet()
changeSaveSet :: Display -> Window -> ChangeSaveSetMode -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XChangeSaveSet()
clearWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XClearWindow()
clearArea :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Bool -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XClearArea()
setTextProperty :: Display -> Window -> String -> Atom -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetTextProperty()
rotateBuffers :: Display -> CInt -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XRotateBuffers()
fetchBytes :: Display -> IO String #
interface to the X11 library function XFetchBytes()
storeBytes :: Display -> String -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XStoreBytes()
storeBuffer :: Display -> String -> CInt -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XStoreBuffer()
drawImageString :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> String -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDrawImageString()
drawString :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> String -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDrawString()
fillArcs :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Arc] -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XFillArcs()
fillPolygon :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Point] -> PolygonShape -> CoordinateMode -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XFillPolygon()
fillRectangles :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Rectangle] -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XFillRectangles()
drawArcs :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Arc] -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDrawArcs()
drawRectangles :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Rectangle] -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDrawRectangles()
drawSegments :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Segment] -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDrawSegments()
drawLines :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Point] -> CoordinateMode -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDrawLines()
drawPoints :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Point] -> CoordinateMode -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDrawPoints()
set_cursor :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Cursor -> IO () #
set_colormap :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Colormap -> IO () #
set_override_redirect :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Bool -> IO () #
set_do_not_propagate_mask :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> EventMask -> IO () #
set_event_mask :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> EventMask -> IO () #
set_save_under :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Bool -> IO () #
set_backing_pixel :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixel -> IO () #
set_backing_planes :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixel -> IO () #
set_backing_store :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> BackingStore -> IO () #
set_win_gravity :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> WindowGravity -> IO () #
set_bit_gravity :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> BitGravity -> IO () #
set_border_pixel :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixel -> IO () #
set_border_pixmap :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixmap -> IO () #
set_background_pixel :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixel -> IO () #
set_background_pixmap :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixmap -> IO () #
allocaSetWindowAttributes :: (Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> IO a) -> IO a #
setWMProtocols :: Display -> Window -> [Atom] -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetWMProtocols()
recolorCursor :: Display -> Cursor -> Color -> Color -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XRecolorCursor()
createGlyphCursor :: Display -> Font -> Font -> Glyph -> Glyph -> Color -> Color -> IO Cursor #
interface to the X11 library function XCreateGlyphCursor()
createPixmapCursor :: Display -> Pixmap -> Pixmap -> Color -> Color -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO Cursor #
interface to the X11 library function XCreatePixmapCursor()
setIconName :: Display -> Window -> String -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetIconName()
getIconName :: Display -> Window -> IO String #
interface to the X11 library function XGetIconName()
lookupString :: XKeyEventPtr -> IO (Maybe KeySym, String) #
interface to the X11 library function XLookupString()
stringToKeysym :: String -> KeySym #
interface to the X11 library function XStringToKeysym()
keysymToString :: KeySym -> String #
interface to the X11 library function XKeysymToString()
displayKeycodes :: Display -> (CInt, CInt) #
interface to the X11 library function XDisplayKeycodes()
readBitmapFile :: Display -> Drawable -> String -> IO (Either String (Dimension, Dimension, Pixmap, Maybe CInt, Maybe CInt)) #
interface to the X11 library function XReadBitmapFile
matchVisualInfo :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Maybe VisualInfo) #
interface to the X11 library function XMatchVisualInfo()
getVisualInfo :: Display -> VisualInfoMask -> VisualInfo -> IO [VisualInfo] #
visualBlueMaskMask :: VisualInfoMask #
interface to the X11 library function XGetVisualInfo()
getPointerControl :: Display -> IO (CInt, CInt, CInt) #
interface to the X11 library function XGetPointerControl()
getScreenSaver :: Display -> IO (CInt, CInt, PreferBlankingMode, AllowExposuresMode) #
setLocaleModifiers :: String -> IO String #
interface to the X11 library function XSetLocaleModifiers()
getGeometry :: Display -> Drawable -> IO (Window, Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension, Dimension, CInt) #
interface to the X11 library function XGetGeometry()
geometry :: Display -> CInt -> String -> String -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (CInt, Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension) #
interface to the X11 library function XGeometry()
setDefaultErrorHandler :: IO () #
The Xlib library reports most errors by invoking a user-provided error handler. This function installs an error handler that prints a textual representation of the error.
displayName :: String -> String #
interface to the X11 library function XDisplayName()
queryPointer :: Display -> Window -> IO (Bool, Window, Window, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, Modifier) #
interface to the X11 library function XQueryPointer()
queryBestSize :: Display -> QueryBestSizeClass -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO (Dimension, Dimension) #
interface to the X11 library function XQueryBestSize()
queryBestCursor :: Display -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO (Dimension, Dimension) #
interface to the X11 library function XQueryBestCursor()
queryBestStipple :: Display -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO (Dimension, Dimension) #
interface to the X11 library function XQueryBestStipple()
queryBestTile :: Display -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO (Dimension, Dimension) #
interface to the X11 library function XQueryBestTile()
getInputFocus :: Display -> IO (Window, FocusMode) #
interface to the X11 library function XGetInputFocus()
rmInitialize :: IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XrmInitialize()
autoRepeatOff :: Display -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XAutoRepeatOff()
autoRepeatOn :: Display -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XAutoRepeatOn()
setCloseDownMode :: Display -> CloseDownMode -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetCloseDownMode()
lastKnownRequestProcessed :: Display -> IO CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XLastKnownRequestProcessed()
setInputFocus :: Display -> Window -> FocusMode -> Time -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetInputFocus()
grabButton :: Display -> Button -> ButtonMask -> Window -> Bool -> EventMask -> GrabMode -> GrabMode -> Window -> Cursor -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XGrabButton()
ungrabButton :: Display -> Button -> ButtonMask -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XUngrabButton()
grabPointer :: Display -> Window -> Bool -> EventMask -> GrabMode -> GrabMode -> Window -> Cursor -> Time -> IO GrabStatus #
interface to the X11 library function XGrabPointer()
ungrabPointer :: Display -> Time -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XUngrabPointer()
grabKey :: Display -> KeyCode -> KeyMask -> Window -> Bool -> GrabMode -> GrabMode -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XGrabKey()
ungrabKey :: Display -> KeyCode -> KeyMask -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XUngrabKey()
grabKeyboard :: Display -> Window -> Bool -> GrabMode -> GrabMode -> Time -> IO GrabStatus #
interface to the X11 library function XGrabKeyboard()
ungrabKeyboard :: Display -> Time -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XUngrabKeyboard()
grabServer :: Display -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XGrabServer()
ungrabServer :: Display -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XUngrabServer()
supportsLocale :: IO Bool #
interface to the X11 library function XSupportsLocale()
setScreenSaver :: Display -> CInt -> CInt -> PreferBlankingMode -> AllowExposuresMode -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetScreenSaver()
activateScreenSaver :: Display -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XActivateScreenSaver()
resetScreenSaver :: Display -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XResetScreenSaver()
forceScreenSaver :: Display -> ScreenSaverMode -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XForceScreenSaver()
warpPointer :: Display -> Window -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Position -> Position -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XWarpPointer()
visualIDFromVisual :: Visual -> IO VisualID #
see XVisualIDFromVisual()
initThreads :: IO Status #
lockDisplay :: Display -> IO () #
unlockDisplay :: Display -> IO () #
createPixmap :: Display -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> IO Pixmap #
interface to the X11 library function XCreatePixmap()
freePixmap :: Display -> Pixmap -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XFreePixmap()
bitmapBitOrder :: Display -> ByteOrder #
interface to the X11 library function XBitmapBitOrder()
bitmapUnit :: Display -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XBitmapUnit()
lookupKeysym :: XKeyEventPtr -> CInt -> IO KeySym #
interface to the X11 library function XLookupKeysym()
keycodeToKeysym :: Display -> KeyCode -> CInt -> IO KeySym #
interface to the X11 library function XKeycodeToKeysym()
keysymToKeycode :: Display -> KeySym -> IO KeyCode #
interface to the X11 library function XKeysymToKeycode()
defineCursor :: Display -> Window -> Cursor -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDefineCursor()
undefineCursor :: Display -> Window -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XUndefineCursor()
createFontCursor :: Display -> Glyph -> IO Cursor #
interface to the X11 library function XCreateFontCursor()
freeCursor :: Display -> Font -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XFreeCursor()
drawPoint :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDrawPoint()
drawLine :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Position -> Position -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDrawLine()
drawRectangle :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDrawRectangle()
drawArc :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Angle -> Angle -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDrawArc()
fillRectangle :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XFillRectangle()
fillArc :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Angle -> Angle -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XFillArc()
copyArea :: Display -> Drawable -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Position -> Position -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XCopyArea()
copyPlane :: Display -> Drawable -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Position -> Position -> Pixel -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XCopyPlane()
type AllowExposuresMode = CInt #
type PreferBlankingMode = CInt #
type ScreenSaverMode = CInt #
type VisualInfoMask = CLong #
cAP_HEIGHT :: Atom #
fAMILY_NAME :: Atom #
rESOLUTION :: Atom #
pOINT_SIZE :: Atom #
qUAD_WIDTH :: Atom #
iTALIC_ANGLE :: Atom #
sUBSCRIPT_Y :: Atom #
sUBSCRIPT_X :: Atom #
nORM_SPACE :: Atom #
wM_ZOOM_HINTS :: Atom #
wM_SIZE_HINTS :: Atom #
wM_ICON_SIZE :: Atom #
wM_ICON_NAME :: Atom #
wM_COMMAND :: Atom #
rGB_RED_MAP :: Atom #
rGB_GREEN_MAP :: Atom #
rGB_GRAY_MAP :: Atom #
rGB_BLUE_MAP :: Atom #
rGB_BEST_MAP :: Atom #
rGB_COLOR_MAP :: Atom #
cUT_BUFFER7 :: Atom #
cUT_BUFFER6 :: Atom #
cUT_BUFFER5 :: Atom #
cUT_BUFFER4 :: Atom #
cUT_BUFFER3 :: Atom #
cUT_BUFFER2 :: Atom #
cUT_BUFFER1 :: Atom #
cUT_BUFFER0 :: Atom #
internAtom :: Display -> String -> Bool -> IO Atom #
interface to the X11 library function XInternAtom()
queryColors :: Display -> Colormap -> [Color] -> IO [Color] #
interface to the X11 library function XQueryColors()
queryColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Color -> IO Color #
interface to the X11 library function XQueryColor()
storeColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Color -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XStoreColor()
freeColors :: Display -> Colormap -> [Pixel] -> Pixel -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XFreeColors()
parseColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> IO Color #
interface to the X11 library function XParseColor()
allocColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Color -> IO Color #
interface to the X11 library function XAllocColor()
allocNamedColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> IO (Color, Color) #
interface to the X11 library function XAllocNamedColor()
lookupColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> IO (Color, Color) #
interface to the X11 library function XLookupColor()
installColormap :: Display -> Colormap -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XInstallColormap()
uninstallColormap :: Display -> Colormap -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XUninstallColormap()
copyColormapAndFree :: Display -> Colormap -> IO Colormap #
interface to the X11 library function XCopyColormapAndFree()
createColormap :: Display -> Window -> Visual -> ColormapAlloc -> IO Colormap #
interface to the X11 library function XCreateColormap()
freeColormap :: Display -> Colormap -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XFreeColormap()
createGC :: Display -> Drawable -> IO GC #
partial interface to the X11 library function XCreateGC()
setDashes :: Display -> GC -> CInt -> String -> CInt -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetDashes()
setArcMode :: Display -> GC -> ArcMode -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetArcMode()
setBackground :: Display -> GC -> Pixel -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetBackground()
setForeground :: Display -> GC -> Pixel -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetForeground()
setFunction :: Display -> GC -> GXFunction -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetFunction()
setGraphicsExposures :: Display -> GC -> Bool -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetGraphicsExposures()
setClipMask :: Display -> GC -> Pixmap -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetClipMask()
setClipOrigin :: Display -> GC -> Position -> Position -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetClipOrigin()
setFillRule :: Display -> GC -> FillRule -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetFillRule()
setFillStyle :: Display -> GC -> FillStyle -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetFillStyle()
setLineAttributes :: Display -> GC -> CInt -> LineStyle -> CapStyle -> JoinStyle -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetLineAttributes()
setPlaneMask :: Display -> GC -> Pixel -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetPlaneMask()
setState :: Display -> GC -> Pixel -> Pixel -> GXFunction -> Pixel -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetState()
setStipple :: Display -> GC -> Pixmap -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetStipple()
setSubwindowMode :: Display -> GC -> SubWindowMode -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetSubwindowMode()
setTSOrigin :: Display -> GC -> Position -> Position -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSetTSOrigin()
gContextFromGC :: GC -> GContext #
interface to the X11 library function XGContextFromGC()
sendEvent :: Display -> Window -> Bool -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSendEvent()
gettimeofday_in_milliseconds :: IO Integer #
This function is somewhat compatible with Win32's TimeGetTime()
waitForEvent :: Display -> Word32 -> IO Bool #
Reads an event with a timeout (in microseconds). Returns True if timeout occurs.
get_ExposeEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XExposeEvent #
get_MotionEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XMotionEvent #
get_ButtonEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XButtonEvent #
asKeyEvent :: XEventPtr -> XKeyEventPtr #
get_KeyEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XKeyEvent #
get_Window :: XEventPtr -> IO Window #
get_EventType :: XEventPtr -> IO EventType #
allocaXEvent :: (XEventPtr -> IO a) -> IO a #
eventsQueued :: Display -> QueuedMode -> IO CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XEventsQueued()
allowEvents :: Display -> AllowEvents -> Time -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XAllowEvents()
selectInput :: Display -> Window -> EventMask -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XSelectInput()
windowEvent :: Display -> Window -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XWindowEvent()
checkWindowEvent :: Display -> Window -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO Bool #
interface to the X11 library function XCheckWindowEvent()
maskEvent :: Display -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XMaskEvent()
checkMaskEvent :: Display -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO Bool #
interface to the X11 library function XCheckMaskEvent()
checkTypedEvent :: Display -> EventType -> XEventPtr -> IO Bool #
interface to the X11 library function XCheckTypedEvent()
checkTypedWindowEvent :: Display -> Window -> EventType -> XEventPtr -> IO Bool #
interface to the X11 library function XCheckTypedWindowEvent()
putBackEvent :: Display -> XEventPtr -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XPutBackEvent()
type QueuedMode = CInt #
Data XEvent | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Event gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> XEvent -> c XEvent # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c XEvent # toConstr :: XEvent -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: XEvent -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c XEvent) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c XEvent) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> XEvent -> XEvent # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> XEvent -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> XEvent -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> XEvent -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> XEvent -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> XEvent -> m XEvent # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> XEvent -> m XEvent # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> XEvent -> m XEvent # | |
Show XEvent | |
Eq XEvent | |
Ord XEvent | |
type XKeyEventPtr = Ptr XKeyEvent #
type XMappingEvent = (MappingRequest, KeyCode, CInt) #
openDisplay :: String -> IO Display #
interface to the X11 library function XOpenDisplay()
serverVendor :: Display -> String #
interface to the X11 library function XServerVendor()
displayString :: Display -> String #
interface to the X11 library function XDisplayString()
screenResourceString :: Screen -> String #
interface to the X11 library function XScreenResourceString()
resourceManagerString :: Display -> String #
interface to the X11 library function XResourceManagerString()
allPlanes_aux :: Pixel #
interface to the X11 library function XAllPlanes()
blackPixel :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Pixel #
interface to the X11 library function XBlackPixel()
whitePixel :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Pixel #
interface to the X11 library function XWhitePixel()
connectionNumber :: Display -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XConnectionNumber()
defaultColormap :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Colormap #
interface to the X11 library function XDefaultColormap()
defaultGC :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> GC #
interface to the X11 library function XDefaultGC()
defaultDepth :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XDefaultDepth()
defaultScreen :: Display -> ScreenNumber #
interface to the X11 library function XDefaultScreen()
defaultScreenOfDisplay :: Display -> Screen #
interface to the X11 library function XDefaultScreenOfDisplay()
displayHeight :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XDisplayHeight()
displayHeightMM :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XDisplayHeightMM()
displayWidth :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XDisplayWidth()
displayWidthMM :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XDisplayWidthMM()
maxRequestSize :: Display -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XMaxRequestSize()
displayMotionBufferSize :: Display -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XDisplayMotionBufferSize()
imageByteOrder :: Display -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XImageByteOrder()
protocolRevision :: Display -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XProtocolRevision()
protocolVersion :: Display -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XProtocolVersion()
screenCount :: Display -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XScreenCount()
defaultVisual :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Visual #
interface to the X11 library function XDefaultVisual()
displayCells :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XDisplayCells()
displayPlanes :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XDisplayPlanes()
screenOfDisplay :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Screen #
interface to the X11 library function XScreenOfDisplay()
defaultRootWindow :: Display -> Window #
interface to the X11 library function XDefaultRootWindow()
rootWindow :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> IO Window #
interface to the X11 library function XRootWindow()
closeDisplay :: Display -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XCloseDisplay()
xC_ur_angle :: Glyph #
xC_umbrella :: Glyph #
xC_ul_angle :: Glyph #
xC_top_tee :: Glyph #
xC_top_side :: Glyph #
xC_spraycan :: Glyph #
xC_shuttle :: Glyph #
xC_sb_up_arrow :: Glyph #
xC_sailboat :: Glyph #
xC_rtl_logo :: Glyph #
xC_rightbutton :: Glyph #
xC_right_tee :: Glyph #
xC_right_side :: Glyph #
xC_right_ptr :: Glyph #
xC_lr_angle :: Glyph #
xC_ll_angle :: Glyph #
xC_leftbutton :: Glyph #
xC_left_tee :: Glyph #
xC_left_side :: Glyph #
xC_left_ptr :: Glyph #
xC_iron_cross :: Glyph #
xC_gobbler :: Glyph #
xC_exchange :: Glyph #
xC_draped_box :: Glyph #
xC_draft_small :: Glyph #
xC_draft_large :: Glyph #
xC_crosshair :: Glyph #
xC_coffee_mug :: Glyph #
xC_center_ptr :: Glyph #
xC_box_spiral :: Glyph #
xC_bottom_tee :: Glyph #
xC_bottom_side :: Glyph #
xC_bogosity :: Glyph #
xC_X_cursor :: Glyph #
textWidth :: FontStruct -> String -> Int32 #
interface to the X11 library function XTextWidth()
textExtents :: FontStruct -> String -> (FontDirection, Int32, Int32, CharStruct) #
interface to the X11 library function XTextExtents()
ascentFromFontStruct :: FontStruct -> Int32 #
fontFromFontStruct :: FontStruct -> Font #
loadQueryFont :: Display -> String -> IO FontStruct #
interface to the X11 library function XLoadQueryFont()
freeFont :: Display -> FontStruct -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XFreeFont()
data FontStruct #
pointer to an X11 XFontStruct
getImage :: Display -> Drawable -> CInt -> CInt -> CUInt -> CUInt -> CULong -> ImageFormat -> IO Image #
interface to the X11 library function XGetImage()
createImage :: Display -> Visual -> CInt -> ImageFormat -> CInt -> Ptr CChar -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> CInt -> IO Image #
interface to the X11 library function XCreateImage()
putImage :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Image -> Position -> Position -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XPutImage()
destroyImage :: Image -> IO () #
interface to the X11 library function XDestroyImage()
setRegion :: Display -> GC -> Region -> IO CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XSetRegion()
rectInRegion :: Region -> Rectangle -> IO RectInRegionResult #
interface to the X11 library function XRectInRegion()
pointInRegion :: Region -> Point -> IO Bool #
interface to the X11 library function XPointInRegion()
emptyRegion :: Region -> IO Bool #
interface to the X11 library function XEmptyRegion()
xorRegion :: Region -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XXorRegion()
unionRegion :: Region -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XUnionRegion()
unionRectWithRegion :: Rectangle -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XUnionRectWithRegion()
subtractRegion :: Region -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XSubtractRegion()
intersectRegion :: Region -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XIntersectRegion()
polygonRegion :: [Point] -> FillRule -> IO Region #
interface to the X11 library function XPolygonRegion()
createRegion :: IO Region #
interface to the X11 library function XCreateRegion()
Data Region | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Region gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Region -> c Region # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Region # toConstr :: Region -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Region -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Region) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Region) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Region -> Region # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Region -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Region -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Region -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Region -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Region -> m Region # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Region -> m Region # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Region -> m Region # | |
Show Region | |
Eq Region | |
Ord Region | |
type RectInRegionResult = CInt #
blackPixelOfScreen :: Screen -> Pixel #
interface to the X11 library function XBlackPixelOfScreen()
whitePixelOfScreen :: Screen -> Pixel #
interface to the X11 library function XWhitePixelOfScreen()
cellsOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XCellsOfScreen()
defaultColormapOfScreen :: Screen -> Colormap #
interface to the X11 library function XDefaultColormapOfScreen()
defaultDepthOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XDefaultDepthOfScreen()
defaultGCOfScreen :: Screen -> GC #
interface to the X11 library function XDefaultGCOfScreen()
defaultVisualOfScreen :: Screen -> Visual #
interface to the X11 library function XDefaultVisualOfScreen()
doesBackingStore :: Screen -> Bool #
interface to the X11 library function XDoesBackingStore()
doesSaveUnders :: Screen -> Bool #
interface to the X11 library function XDoesSaveUnders()
displayOfScreen :: Screen -> Display #
interface to the X11 library function XDisplayOfScreen()
eventMaskOfScreen :: Screen -> EventMask #
interface to the X11 library function XEventMaskOfScreen()
Event mask at connection setup time - not current event mask!
minCmapsOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XMinCmapsOfScreen()
maxCmapsOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XMaxCmapsOfScreen()
rootWindowOfScreen :: Screen -> Window #
interface to the X11 library function XRootWindowOfScreen()
widthOfScreen :: Screen -> Dimension #
interface to the X11 library function XWidthOfScreen()
widthMMOfScreen :: Screen -> Dimension #
interface to the X11 library function XWidthMMOfScreen()
heightOfScreen :: Screen -> Dimension #
interface to the X11 library function XHeightOfScreen()
heightMMOfScreen :: Screen -> Dimension #
interface to the X11 library function XHeightMMOfScreen()
planesOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt #
interface to the X11 library function XPlanesOfScreen()
screenNumberOfScreen :: Screen -> ScreenNumber #
interface to the X11 library function XScreenNumberOfScreen()
pointer to an X11 Display
Data Display | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Display -> c Display # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Display # toConstr :: Display -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Display -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Display) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Display) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Display -> Display # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Display -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Display -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Display -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Display -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Display -> m Display # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Display -> m Display # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Display -> m Display # | |
Show Display | |
Eq Display | |
Ord Display | |
pointer to an X11 Screen
Data Screen | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Screen -> c Screen # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Screen # toConstr :: Screen -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Screen -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Screen) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Screen) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Screen -> Screen # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Screen -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Screen -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Screen -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Screen -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Screen -> m Screen # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Screen -> m Screen # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Screen -> m Screen # | |
Show Screen | |
Eq Screen | |
Ord Screen | |
PPrint Screen Source # | |
pointer to an X11 Visual
Data Visual | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Visual -> c Visual # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Visual # toConstr :: Visual -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Visual -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Visual) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Visual) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Visual -> Visual # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Visual -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Visual -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Visual -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Visual -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Visual -> m Visual # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Visual -> m Visual # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Visual -> m Visual # | |
Show Visual | |
Eq Visual | |
Ord Visual | |
pointer to an X11 GC
Data GC | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> GC -> c GC # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c GC # dataTypeOf :: GC -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c GC) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c GC) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> GC -> GC # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> GC -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> GC -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> GC -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> GC -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> GC -> m GC # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> GC -> m GC # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> GC -> m GC # | |
Show GC | |
Eq GC | |
Ord GC | |
data SetWindowAttributes #
pointer to an X11 XSetWindowAttributes
data VisualInfo #
counterpart of an X11 XVisualInfo
Storable VisualInfo | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types sizeOf :: VisualInfo -> Int # alignment :: VisualInfo -> Int # peekElemOff :: Ptr VisualInfo -> Int -> IO VisualInfo # pokeElemOff :: Ptr VisualInfo -> Int -> VisualInfo -> IO () # peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO VisualInfo # pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> VisualInfo -> IO () # peek :: Ptr VisualInfo -> IO VisualInfo # poke :: Ptr VisualInfo -> VisualInfo -> IO () # | |
Show VisualInfo | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types showsPrec :: Int -> VisualInfo -> ShowS # show :: VisualInfo -> String # showList :: [VisualInfo] -> ShowS # | |
Default VisualInfo | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types def :: VisualInfo # | |
Eq VisualInfo | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types (==) :: VisualInfo -> VisualInfo -> Bool # (/=) :: VisualInfo -> VisualInfo -> Bool # |
pointer to an X11 XImage
Data Image | |
Defined in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Image -> c Image # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Image # dataTypeOf :: Image -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Image) # dataCast2 :: |