- Graphics
- Graphics.X11X11-
- Graphics.X11.ExtraTypesX11-
- Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.APX11-
- Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.DECX11-
- Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.HPX11-
- Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.SunX11-
- Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.XF86X11-
- Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.XorgDefaultX11-
- Graphics.X11.TypesX11-
- Graphics.X11.XScreenSaverX11-
- Graphics.X11.XftX11-xft-0.3.4
- Graphics.X11.XineramaX11-
- Graphics.X11.XlibX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.AtomX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.ColorX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.ContextX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.CursorX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.DisplayX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.EventX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.ExtrasX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.FontX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.ImageX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.MiscX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.RegionX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.ScreenX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.TypesX11-
- Graphics.X11.Xlib.WindowX11-
- Graphics.X11.XrandrX11-
- Graphics.X11.XrenderX11-xft-0.3.4
- Graphics.X11.ExtraTypesX11-
- Graphics.X11X11-
- XMonadxmonad-
- Actions
- XMonad.Actions.AfterDrag Allows you to add actions dependent on the current mouse drag.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.BluetileCommands Interface with the Bluetile tiling window manager.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Commands Run internal xmonad commands using a dmenu menu.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.ConstrainedResize Constrain the aspect ratio of a floating window.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow Duplicate a window on multiple workspaces.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.CycleRecentWS Cycle through most recently used workspaces.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.CycleSelectedLayouts Cycle through the given subset of layouts.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.CycleWS Cycle through workspaces.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.CycleWindows Cycle windows while maintaining focus in place.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.CycleWorkspaceByScreen Cycle workspaces in a screen-aware fashion.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.DeManage Cease management of a window without unmapping it.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.DwmPromote DWM-like swap function for xmonad.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.DynamicProjects Treat workspaces as individual project areas.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaceGroups Dynamically manage workspace groups in multi-head setups.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaceOrder Remember a dynamically updateable ordering on workspaces.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaces Provides bindings to add and delete workspaces.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.EasyMotion Focus a visible window using a key chord.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.FindEmptyWorkspace Find an empty workspace.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.FlexibleManipulate Move and resize floating windows without warping the mouse.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.FlexibleResize Resize floating windows from any corner.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.FloatKeys Move and resize floating windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.FloatSnap Snap to other windows or the edge of the screen while moving or resizing.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.FocusNth Focus the nth window of the current workspace.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.GridSelect Display items in a 2D grid and select from it with the keyboard or the mouse.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.GroupNavigation Cycle through groups of windows across workspaces.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.KeyRemap Remap Keybinding on the fly.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Launcher A set of prompts for XMonad.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.LinkWorkspaces Bindings to add and delete links between workspaces.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.MessageFeedback An alternative
.xmonad-contrib- - XMonad.Actions.Minimize Actions for minimizing and maximizing windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.MostRecentlyUsed Tab through windows by recency of use.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.MouseGestures Support for simple mouse gestures.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.MouseResize A layout modifier to resize windows with the mouse.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Navigation2D Directional navigation of windows and screens.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.NoBorders Helper functions for dealing with window borders.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.OnScreen Control workspaces on different screens (in xinerama mode).xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.PerLayoutKeys Define key-bindings on per-layout basis.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.PerWindowKeys Define key-bindings on a per-window basis.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.PerWorkspaceKeys Define key-bindings on per-workspace basis.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.PhysicalScreens Manipulate screens ordered by physical location instead of ID.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Plane Navigate through workspaces in a bidimensional manner.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Prefix Use an Emacs-style prefix argument for commands.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Profiles Group your workspaces by similarity.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Promote Alternate promote function for xmonad.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.RandomBackground Start terminals with a random background color.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.RepeatAction Repeat the last performed action.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Repeatable Actions you'd like to repeat.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.RotSlaves Rotate all windows except the master window and keep the focus in place.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.RotateSome Rotate some elements around the stack.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Search Easily run Internet searches on web sites through xmonad.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.ShowText Display text on the screen.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Sift Functions for sifting windows up and down.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.SimpleDate An example external contrib module for XMonad.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.SinkAll (DEPRECATED) Push floating windows back into tiling.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.SpawnOn Modify a window spawned by a command.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Submap Create a sub-mapping of key bindings.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.SwapPromote Track the master window history per workspace.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.SwapWorkspaces Swap workspace tags without having to move individual windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.TagWindows Functions for tagging windows and selecting them by tags.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.TiledWindowDragging Change the position of windows by dragging them.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.ToggleFullFloat Fullscreen (float) a window while remembering its original state.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.TopicSpace Turns your workspaces into a more topic oriented system.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.TreeSelect Display workspaces or actions in a tree-like format.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.UpKeys Bind an action to the release of a keyxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.UpdateFocus Updates the focus on mouse move in unfocused windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer Causes the pointer to follow whichever window focus changes to.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Warp Warp the pointer to a given window or screen.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.WindowBringer Dmenu operations to bring windows to you, and bring you to windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.WindowGo Operations for raising (traveling to) windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.WindowMenu Display window management actions in the center of the focused window.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.WindowNavigation Experimental rewrite of XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.WithAll Perform a given action on all or certain groups of windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.Workscreen Display a set of workspaces on several screens.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceCursors Like XMonad.Actions.Plane for an arbitrary number of dimensions.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceNames Persistently rename workspace and swap them along with their names.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Configxmonad-
- XMonad.Config.Arossato Andrea Rossato's xmonad configuration.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Config.Azerty Fix some keybindings for users of French keyboard layouts.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Config.Bepo Fix keybindings for the BEPO keyboard layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Config.Bluetile Default configuration of Bluetile.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Config.Desktop Core settings for interfacing with desktop environments.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Config.Dmwit Daniel Wagner's xmonad configuration.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Config.Droundy David Roundy's xmonad config.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Config.Gnome Config for integrating xmonad with GNOME.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Config.Kde Config for integrating xmonad with KDE.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Config.Mate Config for integrating xmonad with MATE.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Config.Sjanssen Spencer Janssen's xmonad config.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Config.Xfce Config for integrating xmonad with Xfce.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Corexmonad-
- XMonad.Docxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Doc.Configuring Brief xmonad tutorial.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Doc.Developing Brief overview of the xmonad internals.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Doc.Extending A module to document the xmonad-contrib library.xmonad-contrib-
- Hooks
- XMonad.Hooks.BorderPerWindow Set border width for a window in a ManageHook.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.CurrentWorkspaceOnTop Ensure that windows on the current workspace are on top.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.DebugEvents Dump diagnostic information about X11 events received by xmonad.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.DebugKeyEvents Track key events.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.DebugStack Dump the state of the StackSet.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.DynamicBars Manage per-screen status bars.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.DynamicHooks One-shot and permanent ManageHooks that can be updated at runtime.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.DynamicIcons Dynamically update workspace names based on its contents/windows on it.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog Send information about xmonad's state to an X11 property or standard output.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.DynamicProperty Apply a ManageHook to an already-mapped window.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops Make xmonad use the extended window manager hints (EWMH).xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.FadeInactive Set the _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY atom for inactive windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.FadeWindows A more flexible and general compositing interface than FadeInactive.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.FloatConfigureReq Customize handling of floating windows' move/resize/restack requests (ConfigureRequest).xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.FloatNext Automatically send the next spawned window(s) to the floating layer.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.Focus Extends ManageHook EDSL to work on focused windows and current workspace.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.InsertPosition Configure where new windows should be added and how focus should shift.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.ManageDebug A manageHook and associated logHook for debugging ManageHooks.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks Automatically manage
type programs.xmonad-contrib- - XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers Helper functions to be used in manageHook.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.Minimize Handle window manager hints to minimize and restore windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.Modal Implements true modality in xmonad key-bindings.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.OnPropertyChange Apply a manageHook on a property (e.g.,
) changexmonad-contrib- - XMonad.Hooks.Place Automatic placement of floating windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.PositionStoreHooks Hooks for XMonad.Util.PositionStore.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.RefocusLast Hooks and actions to refocus the previous window.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.Rescreen Custom hooks for screen (xrandr) configuration changes.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.ScreenCorners Run X () actions by touching the edge of your screen with your mouse.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.Script Simple interface for running a ~/.xmonad/hooks script with the name of a hook.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.ServerMode Send commands to a running xmonad process.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName Set the WM name to a given string.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.ShowWName Like
, but as a logHookxmonad-contrib- - XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar Composable and dynamic status bars.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar.PP The pretty-printing abstraction for handling status bars.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar.WorkspaceScreen Combine workspace names with screen informationxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.TaffybarPagerHints Export additional X properties for taffybar.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.ToggleHook Hook and keybindings for toggling hook behavior.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook Configure an action to occur when a window demands your attention.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.WallpaperSetter Change the wallpapers depending on visible workspaces.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.WindowSwallowing Temporarily hide parent windows when opening other programs.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceByPos Move new window to non-focused screen based on its requested geometry.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceHistory Keep track of workspace viewing order.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Hooks.XPropManage ManageHook matching on XProperties.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layoutxmonad-
- XMonad.Layout.Accordion Put non-focused windows in ribbons at the top and bottom of the screen.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.AutoMaster Change size of the stack area depending on the number of its windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.AvoidFloats Avoid floats when placing tiled windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.BinaryColumn A layout that places all windows in one column.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition New windows split the focused window in half; based off of BSPWM.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.BorderResize Resize windows by dragging their borders with the mouse.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows Mark windows as boring.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.ButtonDecoration Decoration that includes buttons, executing actions when clicked on.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.CenterMainFluid Three column layout with master in center and unoccupied spaces reserved.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.CenteredIfSingle If only a single window is shown, center it on screenxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.CenteredMaster Place the master pane on top of other windows; in the center or top right.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Circle An elliptical, overlapping layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.CircleEx An elliptical, overlapping layout—extended version.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Column Layout that places all windows in one column.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Columns A layout which tiles the windows in columns.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Combo A layout that combines multiple layouts.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.ComboP Combine multiple layouts and specify where to put new windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Cross A Cross Layout with the main window in the center.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Decoration A layout modifier and a class for easily creating decorated layouts.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DecorationAddons Various stuff that can be added to the decoration.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DecorationEx Advanced window decorations module for XMonadxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DecorationEx.Common Declaration of types used by DecorationEx module, and commonly used utility functions.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DecorationEx.DwmGeometry DWM-style window decoration geometryxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DecorationEx.Engine Type class and its default implementation for window decoration engines.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DecorationEx.Geometry Type class which is responsible for defining the placement of window decorationsxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DecorationEx.LayoutModifier Layout modifier which adds decorations to windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DecorationEx.TabbedGeometry Tab-based window decoration geometryxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DecorationEx.TextEngine Text-based window decoration enginexmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DecorationEx.Widgets Definitions for decoration widgets (window buttons etc)xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DecorationMadness A collection of decorated layouts.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Dishes A layout that stacks extra windows underneath the master windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DragPane Split the screen either horizontally or vertically and show two windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DraggingVisualizer Visualize the process of dragging a window.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Drawer A layout modifier to put windows in a "drawer".xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Dwindle Various spirally layouts.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.DwmStyle A layout modifier for decorating windows in a dwm like style.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.FixedAspectRatio A layout modifier for user provided per-window aspect ratios.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.FixedColumn Like Tall, but split at a fixed column (or a window's smallest resize amount).xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.FocusTracking Track focus in the tiled layer.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen Send messages about fullscreen windows to layouts.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Gaps Create manually-sized gaps along edges of the screen.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Grid A simple layout that attempts to put all windows in a square grid.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.GridVariants Two grid layouts.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Groups Split windows in layout groups that are managed by another layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Groups.Examples Example layouts for XMonad.Layout.Groups.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Groups.Helpers Utility functions for XMonad.Layout.Groups.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Groups.Wmii A wmii-like layout algorithm.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Hidden Hide windows from layouts.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.HintedGrid A layout that puts all windows in a square grid while obeying their size hints.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.HintedTile A gapless tiled layout that obeys window size hints.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.IM Layout modfier for multi-windowed instant messengers like Psi or Tkabber.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.IfMax Decide upon a layout depending on the number of windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.ImageButtonDecoration Decoration that includes image buttons, executing actions when clicked on.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens Simulate independent sets of workspaces on each screen (dwm-like).xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.LayoutBuilder Send a number of windows to one rectangle and the rest to another.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators Easily combine multiple layouts into one composite layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.LayoutHints Make layouts respect size hints.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier A module for writing layout modifiers.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.LayoutScreens A layout to divide a single screen into multiple screens.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.LimitWindows A layout modifier that limits the number of windows that can be shown.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.MagicFocus Automagically put the focused window in the master area.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Magnifier Increase the size of the window that has focus.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Master Layout modfier that adds a master window to another layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Maximize Temporarily yank the focused window out of the layout to mostly fill the screen.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.MessageControl Message escaping and filtering facilities.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Minimize Minimize windows, temporarily removing them from the layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Monitor Layout modfier for displaying some window (monitor) above other windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Mosaic Give each window a specified amount of screen space relative to the others.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.MosaicAlt An alternative version of XMonad.Layout.Mosaic.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.MouseResizableTile Like XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile, but use the mouse to adjust the layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.MultiColumns A layout that tiles windows in a growing number of columns.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.MultiDishes A layout stacking groups of extra windows underneath the master windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle Dynamically apply and unapply transformers to your window layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle.Instances Common instances for XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle.TabBarDecorationxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Named Assign a name to a given layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.NoBorders Make a given layout display without borders.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.NoFrillsDecoration Most basic version of decoration for windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.OnHost Use layouts and apply layout modifiers selectively, depending on the host.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.OneBig Place one window at top left corner, and other windows at the top.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.PerScreen Configure layouts based on the width of your screen.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace Use layouts and apply layout modifiers selectively.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.PositionStoreFloat A floating layout; designed with a dual-head setup in mind.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Reflect Reflect a layout horizontally or vertically.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Renamed Modify the description of a layout in a flexible way.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.ResizableThreeColumns Like XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns, but allows resizing.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile More useful tiled layout that allows you to change a width/height of window.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.ResizeScreen A layout transformer to have a layout respect a given screen geometry.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Roledex A completely pointless layout which acts like Microsoft's Flip 3D.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.ShowWName A layout modifier that will show the workspace name.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.SideBorderDecoration Configure the border position around windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.SimpleDecoration Add simple decorations to the windows of a given layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.SimpleFloat A basic floating layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Simplest A very simple layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.SimplestFloat Like XMonad.Layout.SimpleFloat but without the decoration.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.SortedLayout A layout modifier that sorts a given layout by a list of properties.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Spacing Add a configurable amount of space around windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Spiral A spiral tiling layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Square A layout that splits the screen into a square area and the rest of the screen.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.StackTile Like XMonad.Layout.Dishes but with the ability to resize the master pane.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.StateFull The StateFull Layout & FocusTracking Layout Transformerxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Stoppable A layout modifier to stop all non-visible processes.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.SubLayouts A layout combinator that allows layouts to be nested.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.TabBarDecoration A layout modifier to add a bar of tabs to your layouts.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.Tabbed A tabbed layout.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.TallMastersCombo A version of
with two permanent master windows.xmonad-contrib- - XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns A layout similar to
, but with three columns.xmonad-contrib- - XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts A module to toggle between two layouts.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.TrackFloating Let focused tiles track focused floatsxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.TwoPane A layout that splits the screen horizontally and shows two windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.TwoPanePersistent XMonad.Layout.TwoPane with a persistent stack window.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.VoidBorders Set borders to 0 for all windows in the workspace.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.WindowArranger A layout modifier to move and resize windows with the keyboard.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation A layout modifier to allow easy navigation of a workspace.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.WindowSwitcherDecoration Switch the position of windows by dragging them onto each other.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.WorkspaceDir A layout modifier to set the current directory in a workspace.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Layout.ZoomRow Row layout with individually resizable elements.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Mainxmonad-
- XMonad.ManageHookxmonad-
- XMonad.Operationsxmonad-
- XMonad.Prelude Utility functions and re-exports.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Promptxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.AppLauncher A prompt for launch applications that receive command line parameters.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.AppendFile A prompt for appending a single line of text to a file.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.ConfirmPrompt A prompt for setting up simple confirmation prompts for keybindings.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.DirExec A directory file executables prompt for XMonad.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Directory A directory prompt for XMonad.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Email A prompt for sending quick, one-line emails, via GNU 'mail'.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.FuzzyMatch A prompt for fuzzy completion matching in prompts akin to Emacs ido-mode.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Input Prompt the user for input and pass it along to some other action.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Layout A layout-selection prompt.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Man A manual page prompt.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.OrgMode A prompt for interacting with org-mode.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Pass A prompt for interacting with
.xmonad-contrib- - XMonad.Prompt.RunOrRaise A prompt to run a program, open a file, or raise a running program.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Shell A shell prompt.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Ssh An ssh prompt.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Theme A prompt for changing the theme of the current workspace.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Unicode A prompt for inputting Unicode characters.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Window A prompt for bringing windows to you, and bring you to windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Workspace A workspace prompt.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.XMonad A prompt for running XMonad commands.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Prompt.Zsh Zsh-specific version of XMonad.Prompt.Shell.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.StackSetxmonad-
- Util
- XMonad.Util.ActionCycle Provides a way to implement cycling actions.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.ActionQueue Queue of XMonad actionsxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.ClickableWorkspaces Make workspace tags clickable in XMobar (for switching focus).xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Cursor Set the default mouse cursor.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.CustomKeys Configure key bindings.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.DebugWindow Dump window information for diagnostic/debugging purposes.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Dmenu Convenient bindings to dmenu.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.DynamicScratchpads Dynamically declare any window as a scratchpad.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Dzen Handy wrapper for dzen.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.EZConfig Configure key bindings easily in Emacs style.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.ExclusiveScratchpads Named scratchpads that can be mutually exclusive.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.ExtensibleConf Extensible and composable configuration for contrib modules.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState Module for storing custom mutable state in xmonad.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Font A module for abstracting a font facility over Core fonts and Xft.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Grab Utilities for grabbing/ungrabbing keys.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Hacks A collection of small fixes and utilities with possibly hacky implementations.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.History Track history in O(log n) time.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Image Utilities for manipulating
as images.xmonad-contrib- - XMonad.Util.Invisible A data type to store the layout state.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Loggers A collection of simple logger functions and formatting utilities.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Loggers.NamedScratchpad A collection of Loggers for XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Minimize Common utilities for window minimizing/maximizing.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.NamedActions A wrapper for keybinding configuration that can list the available keybindings.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad Toggle arbitrary windows to and from the current workspace.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.NamedWindows Associate the X titles of windows with them.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.NoTaskbar Mark a window to be ignored by EWMH taskbars and pagers.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Parser A parser combinator library for xmonadxmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Paste A module for sending key presses to windows.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.PositionStore A utility module to store information about position and size of a window.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Process Utilities for unix processes.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.PureX Composable
actions.xmonad-contrib- - XMonad.Util.Rectangle A module for handling pixel rectangles.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.RemoteWindows A module to find out whether the window is remote or local.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Replace Implements a
flag outside of core.xmonad-contrib- - XMonad.Util.Run Several commands, as well as an EDSL, to run external processes.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Scratchpad Very handy hotkey-launched toggleable floating terminal window.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.SessionStart A module for detectiong session startup.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.SpawnNamedPipe A module for spawning a pipe whose handle lives in the XMonad state.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.SpawnOnce A module for spawning a command once, and only once.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Stack Utility functions for manipulating
Maybe Stack
s.xmonad-contrib- - XMonad.Util.StringProp Internal utility functions for storing Strings with the root window.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Themes A collection of themes for decorated layouts.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Timer A module for setting up timers.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.TreeZipper Zipper over Data.Tree.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Types Miscellaneous commonly used types.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.Ungrab Release xmonad's keyboard and pointer grabs immediately.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.WindowProperties EDSL for specifying window properties.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.WindowState Functions for saving per-window data.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare Functions for examining, comparing, and sorting workspaces.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.XSelection A module for accessing and manipulating the primary selection.xmonad-contrib-
- XMonad.Util.XUtils A module for painting on the screen.xmonad-contrib-
- Actions